Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Alliason Manriol

Legal Name: Alliason Menrik Manriol

Aliases: Unknown, The Skullbuckle

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Age: 35 

Place of Birth: Haradia VI

Legal Status: Citizen of Alpha Republic (deceased)

Occupation: Cartel member, philosopher, dictator

Allegiance: Albanto Paslik, Unknown in alternate timeline

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 180 lb.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: N/A

Vehicles of Choice: N/A

Weapons of Choice: N/A

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: TBD


                                          "This is Alliason Menrik Manriol.

                                          Born 458379.

                                          You will kill him.  You will be feared."

                                                 -Pyrodox, to his past self [1]


       A native of Republic Core World Haradia VI, Manriol was a relatively unimpressive human male.  It is conjectured that he was an acquaintance of infamous drug lord Albanto Paslik since their days in school.  He acted as a hanger-on to Paslik as well as an apprentice to the latter's science officer, Henrol Amarag.  This, along with his educational background imparted a utilitarian viewpoint onto the young man.

      Manriol remained an obsequious underling to Paslik for years until a raid on their cartel by Rebecca Mallory and Pyrodox resulted in their demise.  Before his death at the hands of Pyrodox, Manriol abandoned his master in a desperate attempt to save his own skin.  Having been cornered by Mallory, Pyrodox gave her what was left of Manriol’s body: a skull.  Unfortunately, she was unable to cash in on the bounty as the tissue was found to be over 4,000 years old.  Pyrodox then reclaimed the aged token and sent it back in time using an artifact on planet Omiron, keeping the fresh skull for himself.  He revealed to Mallory that in his youth he had gotten a message from his own future informing him that it was his destiny to kill this man.  Pyrodox used the old skull as a signature belt buckle and exchanged it for the fresh one after the events of Coroba. [1]

         It is unclear how many cycles this time loop had gone through, and it is unknown, even to Pyrodox how Manriol’s life played out during the prime timeline.  Pyrodox is aware of the skull’s age beforehand, and himself disagrees with Pyrodox Prime’s decision to alter the past by sending the first message to his past self, but he felt duty-bound to keep the current loop active.

It’s implied that Manriol Prime had later in life broke free of his adherence to Albanto and, with the knowledge gained from his apprenticeship under Amarag, bedame an infamous dictator whose reign resulted in the slaughter of countless innocents, thus warranting his bounty in the first place.  When Zucca Xerfantes performed a psychic scan of Coroba, he found anomalies from many of its residents, suggesting that these are lives who would have been dead by then in the prime timeline if not for Pyrodox's actions. [1]. In current timeline's however, he died a relative nobody.




Intelligent: Manriol is well-educated in philosophy and also science, thanks to his apprenticeship under Amarag.  He possesses political savvy to spot opportunities to thrive in positions of subservience and power.

Charismatic: Manriol is able to talk his way into positions of comfort under people like Paslik, and was able to sway many people to gain power as a dictator in his prime timeline.





Cowardly: Manriol flees from physical confrontation and will only take a position if it is socially safe to do so.  He did not hesitate to abandon Albanto when the latter was under attack by Pyrodox.

Weak: Manriol possesses almost no strength or fight skills to speak of.














Combat Skills





Bio by Pyrodox

Image by Pyrodox

Grid Average: 2.4

[1] "The Loop"

In most pictures of Pyrodox, Manriol’s skull depicted as expressive and, for obvious reasons, usually in great discomfort.  The Skullbuckle’s expressiveness and cognizance is intended to be non-diegetic, although there are some continuities in which this may not be the case.  

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