Thursday, October 5, 2023


by Zucca

        Pyrodox frowned as he stood with his large, wide rear to cold steel wall behind him, his comparably short arms held up in the air.

        “Well, now.  The Church of Revenance will be very happy to pay whatever ransom we demand to get you back,” said his captor, one of several slender, effeminate reptiles, all males.

        All had weapons trained on him.

        “I’m sure they’d also love to hear that one of their own was soliciting hanky-panky from the likes of us!” another one giggled.

        Pyrodox scowled, rolling his eyes.  “I couldn’t be less interested,” he grumbled.

        “Oh, now, don’t be like that, honey.  I’m sure we can work something out,” the third one purred, trailing the tip of his weapon across the dragon slate-and-cerulean girth.

         Pyrodox could not conceal his intense disgust…

         …or the smirk that spread across his face.

         “What are you grinning at?” the lead reptilian lady-boy snipped.

         “You’ll want to drop your weapons.  One of my friends is very impatient, and the other wants to sermonize to you.  I’d wish neither of them on my worst enemy, much less common criminals like you,” Pyrodox chuckled mirthlessly.

          One of them cried out in shock as he let go of his own weapon, while another let out a “WHOOF!” as the air vacated his lungs from a swift punch, dropping his own implement.  When the leader spun around, Pyrodox darted out, snatching the gun from his hand.

          “See, I knew you’d be operating in this area.  Another friend of mine tracked you here.  We drew straws to see who would be the bait.  Zucca lost, but I vetoed that.  Nobody here knows him, nor Doc Mallory, for that matter.”

          The ferret and the alien hybrid stepped out of the shadows, slapping restraints on the leader’s colleagues.

          “Me, on the other hand, you’d do your homework on and wouldn’t be able to resist pulling your scam on.  But now we have you recorded, and the constabulary will be most interested in it.”

           The leader squeaked, spinning around.  “B-b-b-but…what if—we could—I just…!”  He took a breath and composed himself, hands feeling up Pyrodox’s enormous blue gut.  “Can’t we…work something out…?”



            The dragon smirked.  “Don’t flatter yourself.  See you in court, ‘honey.’”

            Zucca strode up to Pyrodox as Mallory shoved the three shysters out.  “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

            The dragon ran an antiseptic wipe where he’d been touched.  

            “You’re damned right I did.”

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