Monday, February 5, 2024

Pyrodox Prime

Legal Name: Wynfrith Damhlaic Gionachbalg


Species: Dragon


Place of Birth: Panteion V, Alpha Sector

Legal StatusUnknown


Allegiance: Unknown



Sexuality: Heterosexual (?)

Marital StatusUnknown

Known Relatives: Caecilius GionachbalgP (father), Mairead GionachbalgP (mother), Olaf Gionachbalg(older brother), Montresor GionachbalgP (older brother)

Vehicles of ChoiceUnknown

Weapons of ChoiceUnknown


Voiceclaim: Pyrodox (?)



            This is Alliason Menrik Manriol of Haradia VI.

            Born 458379.

            You will kill him. You will be feared.

                  - Only known quote attributed to PyrodoxP, to Pyrodox [1]


      Little to nothing is known about Pyrodox Prime. All that can be certain is that the skull of Alliason Manriol was sent back in time to a young Pyrodox under his name, an act which possibly erased his timeline and defined the latter’s entire subsequent lifetime, and that Manriol, had he not been killed would have killed multitudes in his rise to power, as confirmed by psychic anomalies perceived by Zucca Xerfantes [1].  It is presumed that the two versions of Pyrodox led identical lives up to that point.

      Had PyrodoxP sent the skull back himself, it could be assumed that he was a far more pettier and more irrational being than Pyrodox, who dutifully maintained the causality loop imposed upon him.  Other possibilities is that someone else had sent the skull in his name, due to a misguided attempt at a memorial or a knowing attempt at spite.  Either way, PyrodoxP’s life and the overall events of his timeline, however significant the differences may be, are a mystery that may never be unraveled, if they can at all.  


            “The funny thing is…we’re all slaves to some design besides our own. Even our choices are a part of it.  Maybe the first time around I was arrogant enough to think I could change to change my past with this messageBut the whole time I knew I had to find him. I had to send him back. Because that's the way it alway was for me.”

                   -Pyrodox [1]






- PyrodoxP shares all of Pyrodox’s congenital potential and attributes, although it is unknown how they had developed. 















Combat Skills




Bio by Pyrodox

Image 1 by Pyrodox

[1] "The Loop"

- Serendipitously, the image is the first prototype that Pyrodox ever posted of his 'sona.