Saturday, September 14, 2024



       Volencia is a large island nation, nearly continental in size, situated on the planet Spira. The nation is divided into thirteen territories, each belonging to one of the Arsraad Houses. At the center lies the capital city Galomas, built around a crystal-clear crater lake formed by a massive meteor impact. From Galomas, rivers fan out across the island, and each House territory borders the capital, symbolizing unity.


Galomas: the heart of Volencia, located at the center of the island.
  • Crater Lake: A deep, crystal-clear lake fed by underwater springs.
  • Royal Citadel: A massive fortress built of glittering white stone on an island in the lake
  • Priory of Galoma: Located in the hills just outside the city, housing the tomb of St. Galoma. 
  • Architecture: Blend of fantasy and Art Deco styles, reflecting influences from all thirteen Houses.
  1. House Botono (Northwest)
    • Climate: Resource-rich mountains and fertile farmlands.
    • Major Cities:
      • Danon: A mining town known for mineral extraction.
      • Stonemire: Specializing in Power Stone harvesting.
      • Goldleaf: Center of lumber production.
      • Fieldsend: The breadbasket, known for vast farms.
      • Oilgrove: Hub for petroleum extraction.
      • Riverbend: Fishing and aquaponics center.
    • Landmarks:
      • Dormant Volcano: Located near Stonemire.
  2. House Tenagra (West)
    • Climate: Sub-tropical, lush landscapes.
    • Major Cities:
      • Silverport: Bustling trad hub with extensive railroads.
      • Sunhaven: Tourist hotspot with beautiful beaches.
      • Marketshire: Grand markets and commerce.
      • Stonebridge: Famous for its colossal bridge over the Westflow River.
    • Landmarks:
      • Grand Rail Junction: Central hub connecting all Houses.
  3. House Ranzlamora (Southwest)
    • Climate: Germanic forests, waterfalls.
    • Major Cities:
      • Eichenwald: Capital city with stunning architecture.
      • Starlight Near the Starflow River, known for its luminous waters.
    • Landmarks:
      • Starflow River- known for iridescent stones and bioluminescent life, shared with House DeLaVega.
  4. House Valkris (North)
    • Climate: Mountains and rugged terrain.
    • Major Cities:
      • Stonekeep: Capital fortress city.
      • Ironforge: Known for weapon manufacturing.
      • Highcliff: Fortress overlooking the Northern Sea.
      • Stormwatch: Guards against northern storms.
      • Deepcrag: Built into the mountainside.
    • Landmarks:
      • Fortress of Light: Located on the lighthouse island offshore.
  5. House Horosof (East)
    • Climate: Scrub deserts and salt flats.
    • Major Cities:
      • Gearhelm: Capital city and innovation hub.
      • Steamwaste: Location of early steam-powered computers.
      • Fulgor Flats: Testing grounds for new inventions.
      • Ironspire: Radical architectural designs.
    • Landmarks:
      • Active Volcano: Near Gearhelm, used for geothermal experiments.
  6. House Galifain (Southeast)
    • Climate: Valleys and flatlands ideal for aviation.
    • Major Cities:
      • Skyreach: Capital City located on the floating island.
      • Windfall: Major airship manufacturing center.
      • Cloudhaven: Known for its flight academies.
      • Aetherport: The largest airship port.
    • Landmarks:
      • Floating Irland: Home to Skyreach, moves in a figure-8 pattern.
  7. House Scantillian (South)
    • Climate: Mixed climates with minimal environmental impact.
    • Major Cities:
      • Grunwald: Capital city with a renowned university.
      • Steinbach: Known for medical research.
      • Lichstadt: Center for technological research.
    • Landmarks:
      • The Great Tree: A skyscraper-sized tree formed from their founder.
  8. House Rhinehart (Central East)
    • Climate: Canyon landscapes.
    • Major Cities:
      • Canyon City: Capital built into Kurtz Canyon walls.
      • Redstone: Known for concealed military installations.
      • Shadowcliff: Hiddeny city within the canyon.
    • Landmarks:
      • Kurtz Canyon: A long canyon from the show to Galomas.
  9. House Chandra (South Central)
    • Climate: Rolling hills and peaceful valleys.
    • Major Cities:
      • Ashagar: Capital city with the premiere magic university.
      • Spellhaven: Known for arcane libraries.
      • Mystvale: A city surrounded by magical phenomena.
      • Runeberg: Focused on rune magic studies.
    • Landmarks:
      • Circle of Stones: An ancient magic site.
  10. House Yoris (Northeast)
    • Climate: Rivers, plains, lakes.
    • Major Cities:
      • Waterside: The sole major city and administrative center.
    • Landmarks:
      • Ten Hydroelectic Dams: Spread along major rivers
      • Thirteen Atomic Plants: Located near lakes and rivers.
  11. House Laysaar (Southwest)
    • Climate: Large open spaces.
    • Major Cities:
      • Dunhaven: Capital with major industrial bases.
      • Forgeplain: Known for manufacturing.
      • Ironwood: Blend of preservation and industry.
      • Copperton: Specializes in metalworks.
      • Gearfor: Collaborates closely with House Horosof.
      • Millstone: Focused on textile production.
    • Landmarks:
      • The Great Factory: An enormous manufacturing complex.
  12. House Isoldir (Southeast)
    • Climate: Diverse terrains from tundras to deserts.
    • Major Cities:
      • Belfrost: Capital in the frozen tundra.
      • Sandport: Located near desert and beaches.
      • Green hill: In tranquil valleys.
      • Stormhaven: Near jagged mountains.
      • Wetmoor: In the wetlands.
      • Riverbend: Fishing and aquaponics center.
    • Landmarks:
      • Training Ground; Varied environments for civil servant training.
  13. House DeLaVega (South)
    • Climate: Vast plains, plateaus, mountain ranges.
    • Major Cities:
      • Relora: Capital city.
      • Montana Blanca: City near white-capped mountains.
      • Llano Grande: Located on the Great Plains.
    • Landmarks:
      • Nomad's Trail: Historical route of the people's nomadic past.
      • Starflow River: Shared with House Ranzlomora.
  • Lighthouse Island: North of Galomas, hosting the historic lighthouse and the Fortress of Light.
  • Shipyard Island: East of House Galifain, a military shipper maintained by the four Military Houses
  • Coral Wreath Island: South of House DeLaVega, surrounded by coral reefs with carefully marked passages.
  • Fisher's Isle: West of House Tenagra, known for fishing towns with Welsh-like cultures.
  • Seabreeze Island: Near House Isoldir, a tourist spot with sandy beaches.
  • Stormbreaker Island: Off the coast of House Horosof, helps break up storms heading toward the mainland.
  • Starflow River: Runs from Galomas through Ranzlomora and DeLaVega territories, known for its iridescent stones and bioluminescent flora and fauna.
  • Westflow River: Flows through House Tenagra, vital for trade and transport.
  • Kurtz River: Cuts through Kurtz Canyon in House Rhinehart territory.
  • Iron Mountains: In House Valkris, home to their fortress cities.
  • Silver Peaks: In House Botomo, rich in mineral resources.
  • Whitecap Range: In House DeLaVega Near Montana Blanca.
  • Active Volcano: Located in House Horosof, near Gearhelm.
  • Dormant Volcanoes: One in House Botono and two in House Valkris.
  • Fulgor Flats: Testing grounds in House Horosof for inventions.
  • The Great Tree: In House Scantilian, a massive tree formed from their founder.
  • Railroads: An extensive network connecting all Houses to Galomas, with the Grand Rail Junction in House Tenagra.
  • Highways: Major roads link the capitals and significant cities.
  • Airship Routes: Airship traffic is extensive, with major ports in Aetherport (House Galifain) and Galomas.
  • Rivers: Navigable rivers like Westflow and Starflow are used for freighters and trade.
  • Fortress Cities: In House Valkriss and other military Houses.
  • Mercenary's Guild Headquarters: A fortress in Galomas.
  • Royal Citadel: Self-sustaining fortress at the heart of Galomas.
  • Priory of Galoma: Houses the tomb of St. Galoma.
  • Circle of Stones: Ancient magical site in House Chandra.
  • Statues and Monuments: Found in every House, honoring leaders and heroes.
  • Floating Island: Over House Galifain, home to Skyreach.
  • Shooting Stars: Frequent due to Spira's particle ring shedding.
  • Biru Grazing Lands: Vast plains where Biru are farmed.


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