Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Elder Saleria

Legal Name: Saleria

Aliases: None

Sex: Male

Species: Reptoia (cyborg)

Age: 48

Place of Birth: Reptois (?)

Legal Status: Member of Church of Revenance

Occupation: Priest

Allegiance: Church of Revenance

Height: 3’8”

Weight: 60 lb.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: N/A

Vehicles of Choice: N/A

Weapons of Choice: N/A

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: Kelsey Grammer


       Elder Saleria presumably hails from Reptois and is a member of its native race of dimunitive lizard-like sapients.  Little is known about his origins other than at one point in his youth he was involved in a grisly incident which disfigured him and left him dependent on extensive cybernetics for survival.  At some point he was inducted into the priesthood of the Church of Revenance, where he displayed an aptitude and enthusiasm for studying history and philosophy.  

       An honest cleric, he was often exploited by his more corrupt and ambitious superiors.  Saleria finds himself saddled with tasks beneath his dignity or above his authority, but he usually fulfills them dutifully, albeit with some level of snark.  

       Not completely willingly, he is assigned as a personal confessor to a few Ministers, beings who serve as spies and assassins for the Church, most prominently Pyrodox and Sorova.  In addition to being a difficult and unstable patient to work with, Pyrodox has a decidedly keen at sensing dishonesty, so obviously this dirty work is left to one dutiful enough to stick with it.  Throughout the years, Saleria has formed a mutual respect with his wayward and sometimes insecure patient.  Sorova also seems to be a good match, being very honest and faithful in her own right, although Saleria finds her a bit overly enthusiastic in her work and wishes she would not overeat as much.  He was also briefly considered to be a confessor to Damien Dove, but he found him far too fanatical, and recommended he be removed from Ministerial duties.   

      One unexpected assignment that Saleria took well to was the management of an orphanage in one of the Alpha Republics’s rim worlds.  He was very satisfied by the prospect of helping poor children, and was beginning to break out of his introverted shell.  Unfortunately, this project was cancelled due to the alleged scandals brought about by Wendell Roussimoff, who had just landed a job as a prominent pundit and “journalist” at a major media channel.  As a result, the usually calm and peaceful priest harbored a burning hatred for Roussimouff, at one point culminating in a “fight” which could only be called such due to the subjectivity of its participants.  The experience caused Saleria to retreat back into studies on the Church’s secret homeworld, where he still provides counsel to Pyrodox and Sorava and, whenever possible, working on his writing.  





- Intelligent: Saleria is well-versed in Church history and philosophy, even working to contribute to some of it himself.  He can read others very well, and can predict their actions, which is why he can match and exceed people like Pyrodox and Zucca in games of wit.  He can be very eloquent at times, even when he is frustrated.  He can be very persuasive to people with an open mind.

- Honest: Saleria is nearly incorruptible and has a strong moral code which he rarely breaks.

- Stoic: Saleria believes that he should endure hardship as much as possible.  His past disfigurement offers little to no permanent trauma and he tends to find the bright side in many things.  We is likely to avoid violence whenever possible.



- Physically Weak: Due to his size and past injuries, Saleria is very weak and has next to no fighting skill. His closest semblance to martial competence appeared during a fight which Roussimoff, in which he was at least able to keep the latter from fatally pulling his neck tubing.  Then again, that could be more of a testament to Roussimoff’s own incompetence.

- Push-over: Saleria takes his stoicism too far sometimes and is easily exploited by more corrupt clerics.  Pyrodox and sometimes Sorova attempt to advise him to stand up for himself sometimes.

- Occasional Temper: While mostly calm, Saleria can lose his temper and will often express his self-pity through snark.  Wendell Roussimoff, however, is the only person who seems to have angered him to violence so far. 













Combat Skills



Bio by Pyrodox

Image by Pyrodox

Grid Average: 2.17

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