Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sorova Roussimoff

Legal Name: Sorova Moniqual Roussimoff

Aliases: Singing Death

Sex: Female

Species: Rathi (snake)

Age: 25

Place of Birth: Classified

Legal Status: Member of Church of Revenance

Occupation: Minister of the Church

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Legally divorced (still religiously married) 

Length: 15’

Weight: 3,550 lb (last weighed)

Sexuality:  Heterosexual

Known Relatives: Wendell Roussimoff (husband), Montague Moniqual (father, deceased), Monique Moniqual (mother, deceased), Pyrodox (godbrother)

Vehicles of Choice: N/A, various

Weapons of Choice: Knives, Silenced pistol, Sniper Rifle. Her Coils, Venom

Creator: Pyrodox 

Voiceclaim: Kimiko Glenn, Ashley Serena (singing)



          Not much is known about Sorova’s background, other than that she was raised by the Cenobites of the Church of Revenance.  Having never taken on any vows, she was eventually allowed to pursue her own lay vocation outside the Church’s mysterious territories as a teenager.  Her talent for singing landed her some work in the opera at an early age and she caught the attention of a newly-rich Wendell Roussimoff.  He impulsively married the beautiful, svelte, and barely-legal snake, but her pious nature demanded that they be married within the Church of Revenance.  This came with a vow of secrecy backed up by an institutional reputation so fierce that even Wendell knew to keep his mouth shut.

           Despite a promising beginning, their marriage started to come apart.  Wendell’s increasingly erratic behavior, drug abuse, and adultery caused tension and eventually manifested into abuse.  At one point he accidentally set part of her face on fire, leaving distinctive scars which Sorova later embellished with florid blue paint.  While she tried to remain faithful, Wendell grew tired of her and civilly divorced her.  However, as far as the Church is concerned, they are still husband and wife.

        Confused and heartbroken, Sorova returned to the convent that raised her, determined to pursue a new vocation as a Minister of the Church, a special class of assassin/spy.  She found the training an effective coping mechanism, and she quickly became one of the most skilled combat experts the Church has to offer.  She lacks the strategic acumen of Pyrodox, so she’s mostly entrusted with assassination duties.  Because they share the same confessor, Pyrodox sees her almost as a younger sister she never had, although he feels that his terse corrections spoil this dynamic and turn him into his own older brother.  In social situations, she’s shown to be nice, if somewhat ditzy.  

       As an operative she has become feared the galaxy over.  Using her hauntingly graceful voice, she can strike fear into the heart of her quarry and break them psychologically before engagement.  She prefers knives to ranged weapons, but she is qualified to use the latter whenever necessary.  Her natural agility is enhanced by a levitation device which allows her to fly.  However, she has gained a massive amount of weight.  Her overeating is mostly a result of her suppressed depression which, among other things, causes Saleria to worry about her.  Despite this, her extensive training has kept her bulk confined to her midsection, and it’s been quite useful in crushing her foes.  

        Despite their separation, Sorova remains faithful to Wendell, and she often revisits him, using her sultry charms to convince her wayward husband to consummate their marriage at times.  Naturally, this irritates Wendell to no end, but she does provide the occasional protection.  Sorova wants Wendell to turn his back on his ways, and she will never give up on him. 


     “Your friend is quite the case.”

     “I know.  But she’s more Wendy’s problem than anybody else’s.”

     “I thought I was a hopeless optimist when it comes to people.  How could she still 

      love him after all the things he did to her.”  

     “I guess she was a witness to a side of him most people don’t see.  Besides, its 

      her duty.”

     "Her duty?"

     "As a wife."

     “Oh.  ...It’s funny.  It’s not that she has any illusions about him, but there’s just this 

      charity so pure that could easily mistaken for naivete.  Do you worry about her?” 


      *hiccup* Oh shit, you gave me hiccups.

     “I’m sorry.”

     “Yet another thing you feel guilty about and want to fix.  Use your powers to make 

      the hiccups go away, Zucca.”

           - Zucca Xerfantes and Pyrodox





-Expert Combatant: Sorova is nearly unparalleled in raw fighting power, able to overcome her physical limitations to overcome multiple foes.

-Heavy: Sorova’s massive weight can be used to advantage in combat.

-Patient: Sorova is able to wait out enemies and is even-tempered enough to not get riled up, unlike Pyrodox.  This make her far more reliable than he when it comes to following orders.

-Courageous: Sorova will rush into battle and persist in spite of her full knowledge of her weaknesses and her suppressed fear.  She often endures her own emotional pain with stoicism.

-Strong Moral Code: Despite being an assassin, Sorova has a strong sense of honor.  She's chaste, and never hurts anyone unless she feels it is justified.

-Agreeable: When not fighting, Sorova can be endearingly bubbly and occasionally shows a charming side. Despite being very honest, she can get people to sympathize with her with just a doe-eyed look.  She manages to transition between sultry and cute almost seamlessly.

-Charitable: Despite her profession, she generally holds out hope for people, and can be surprisingly merciful.  Her experience with Wendell, however, has taught her not to make herself too vulnerable.

-Artistic: Sorova is a talented singer and has a knack for poetry.


-Overweight: Sorova is massively fat and completely unable to move without the help of her repulsor coils.  She overeats compulsively as a result of her depression.

-Not Cunning: Sorova is of average intelligence and lacks the strategic acumen to be much more than an assassin.

-Lacks Initiative: Sorova seems to show little to no leadership capabilities.

-Sensitive: Sorova can be very sensitive to slights, and is often depressed, despite her cheerful nature.  It’s considered good policy to keep her busy.














Combat Skills



Bio by Pyrodox

Image by Pyrodox

Power Grid Average: 3.17

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