Saturday, January 20, 2024

Montague Moniqual

Legal Name: Montague Moniqual

Aliases: Magnificent Monty, The Spymaster

Species: Rathi (snake)

Age: 53 (+ 27 dilated)

Place of Birth: Unknown

Legal Status: Member, Church of Revenance (deceased)

Occupation: Spy, Bounty Hunter, Minister of the Church

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Married

Length: 17’

Weight: 500 lb.

Known Relatives: Monique Moniqual (wife, deceased), Sorova Roussimoff (daughter), Pyrodox (godson)

Vehicles of Choice: N/A, Various

Weapons of Choice: Silenced Pistol, Knives, His Coils, Venom

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: Timothy Dalton



      Even though he was famous for his skills as a bounty hunter and saboteur, few knew that gentleman spy Montague Moniqual was a loyal agent of the Church of Revenance.  As a Minister of the Church, it was his duty to infiltrate the Galaxy at large to sow the seeds of expansion.  At the age of 45, he would meet a wayward young dragon who still adjusting to his newfound life as a hunter, someone who was on a quest to find himself.  He sensed the neophyte's disillusionment with mainstream society as well as his strong faith and desire for the truth.  Wynfrith Gionachbalg would soon become his greatest apprentice, and one of the most feared figures in the Galaxy. 

      Montague became like a second father to the Pyrodox, balancing his firm training with charisma and supportive nature. For six years he taught the young dragon the finer points of espionage, combat, and military strategy while introducing him to the Church.  When Pyrodox had become a competent minister in his own right, Montague answered the call of duty by going on a mission to the obscure reaches of space to spread the Church's interests.  

      It was a poignant separation for the two, as Montague would be gone for an unknown period of time. When he had finally returned, Pyrodox had developed his skill and notoriety to match and arguably exceed that of his mentor over the course of 27 years.  In the mere two years that had passed for Montague, he fell in love with a kind-hearted, if somewhat ditzy, young rattlesnake named Monique Hochet.  They married during the journey and returned bearing something that Pyrodox, on some level, had always wanted: a baby sister

      Pyrodox instantly took a shine to the infant, but unfortunately Sorova would never come to know her parents, as they had died together on a seemingly safe mission, and she was placed under the direct care of the Cenobites.  In spite of his usually solitary nature, Pyrodox remained a doting brother to Sorova, teaching her much about the fond memories he had Montague.  

       Montague was a charismatic and friendly man who was very well-cultured.  While no singer, he was an avid follower of the opera, something which inspired Sorova to excel at.  She may have lacked his cunning, but she was also determined to follow in his footsteps as a combatant, which she surpassed him on.  In many ways, however, she is so much more like her mother.  His patience as a mentor contributes to Pydrox's ambivalence toward Zucca Xerfantes, who reminds the dragon more of Montague than he cares to admit.






- Cunning: Montague was a very resourceful and a good tactician.

- Stealthy: He was extremely good at keeping himself hidden.

- Charismatic: Montague was very persuasive, and this made him a great saboteur and double agent. However, he could also use this skill to lead people he cared about to the truth and bring out the best in them.

- Combat Skills: He was a good marksman, fighter, and weapons expert.

- Sensitive: Able to empathize well with people and bond with them.

- Honorable: Despite his nature as a spy, he had a strong moral code.

- Cultured: An avid appreciator of opera and poetry, which was an inspiration to Sorova.




- Workaholic: Montague’s work required to him to be traveling a lot, and as a result he was absent from the people he cared about, like Pyrodox and Sorova.











Combat Skills


Bio by Pyrodox

Image 1 by Pyrodox

Power Grid Average: 3

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