Friday, January 19, 2024

Adrienne Almaric

Legal Name: Lady Adrienne Alnaric (nee Requinne)
Sex: Female
Species: Rathi (shark)
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Chateau Requinne
Legal Status: Head of House Requinne, Lady of House Alequinne
Allegiance: Alequinne, Crown of Volencia, Her People
Height: 6'
Weight: 255 lbs.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Rene Alequinne (husband), Fleur Alequinne (daughter), Alphonse Requinne (father), Cosette Requinne (mother, deceased) 
Vehicles of Choice: Chasseuse-Class Flagship Faisant, Various Nobility Transports
Weapons of Choice: Custom Laser Pistol, Fencing Sword, Recreational Gravity Pistol
Creator: Pyrodox
Voiceclaim: Jeri Ryan (possibly with French accent)

        A creature of duty, Adrienne Requinne Almaric was raised to serve her family. For years, the Houses Requinne and Almaric had fought bloody wars over territorial and economic disputes.  The carnage had become so serious and insoluble that the Volencian Crown ordered a political marriage in order to put rest to the conflict.  It may have been the very reason why Adrienne was conceived in the first place.  At a very early age, she had been betrothed to Rene Almaric, but she had found herself strangely drawn to their peer and mutual playmate: Elizabeth De La Vega.
       Foreshadowing future trends, Adrienne resisted the temptation to express her feelings toward her best friend, while Rene had no qualms about playfully flirting with the blue wolf girl.  This naturally irritated Adrienne on more than one level, and stoked her frank and somewhat bossy nature.  
       Her heart was broken by the massacre of the De La Vega family.  Distraught and confused by the loss of the girl whom she secretly loved, she disappeared for a short period of time, eventually returning as abruptly as she had left. The Adrienne that had come back was far more determined and stoic, ready to accept to the marriage she had dreaded for so long. Nobody knows where she went or what she did, and she refuses to discuss the matter with anyone. After all, when the alternative is rivers of blood flowing down the streets of your country, one could tolerate an unhappy marriage.
       The subsequent death of her mother, a kind and gentle woman, left with a callously political father. She often fears that her difficulty bonding with her own child comes from her own similarities with him,  and it hurts even more so because of how much Fleur reminds her of her Cosette. 
       Despite her training in diplomacy, Adrienne was never particularly social or extroverted, and her charismatic husband became far more popular with the masses. This dynamic unfortunately led to his womanizing. Adrienne worked diligently to hide the evidence from the wrath of her father in order to maintain peace, but despite this and her husband's lackadaisical attitude toward the Union, Rene continued to be popular than she was.  Her cold-blooded demeanor alienated the masses, and she was perceived as uncaring when in reality she was the one who truly cared for the people under both houses.  It did not help that many who heard the rumors sympathized with Rene due to Adrienne's alleged sexuality...
       Adrienne could care less.  This was the duty she had sworn to uphold.   
       The one source of joy from her marriage was the birth of her daughter Fleur.  The first time Adrienne held the small child in her arms, she understood all the wonder, all the love, all the terror of parenthood. All the millions of such moments by the millions of people in her realm, she felt that now.  If she had already committed herself to Peace, she was now more passionate than ever before to protect her people from war.  
       Fleur became a microcosm for this sense of duty, although Rene's affection for the child improved Adrienne's opinion of him.  Allowing herself to take this for granted, she remained in her comfort zone and played the role of a stern parent. Despite her training the child in the formalities she was brought up in, Adrienne deeply loved Fleur, more so than Rene did, and worked to make sure that she would have a far better happier marriage. Whatever tolerance she had for Rene was shattered when news of his affairs reached the child when she was a teenager.  Not only did he risk war, he also traumatized their daughter.  

      You know what really pisses me off, Rene?  What really makes me hate you 
      for this?  If there was anything, anything, that I loved about you, it-it was 
      You were the one that knew how to make her laugh.
            - Adrienne, to her husband 

      Adrienne continues to run her house, with the comfort of knowing that her daughter is at least more sympathetic to her now.  She feels conflicted over Fleur's newfound dedication to the Alequinne agenda, as it was something circumstanced cornered the girl into.  Still, she trains her to survive.  She has consolidated power for House Alequinne and her cunning and statecraft have made her begrudging competitor to the likes of Nihla Rhinehart, though their mutual respect is reinforced by their cooperation in hunting down and destroying the Kalak Cha. 
       Adrienne has helped the Crown of Volencia expand interests outside of its home system.  Such actions may be related to her unspoken suspicions concerning a certain blue-furred wolf...


- Statecraft: Adrienne's natural cunning and noble training has made her an expert at Machiavellian maneuvers, and has given her the ability to predict plots against her and consolidate power for House Aliquenne
- Loyal: She is dedicated to the interests of her House and the safety of her people.
- Strong Sense of Duty: Adrienne has endured an unhappy marriage and a low approval rating for the common good.
- Competent Strategist: Her training has given her familiarity with military tactics, although her formal nature can make her predictable on the field. Fortunately, she knows to defer to her generals because...
- Aware of Limits: Adrienne knows when to back off, and she has been hard to bring down partially due her risk assessment.
- Aggressive: She is cold-blooded, brutal, and efficient when she has to be.
- Witty: Well-versed and has a sharp wit.
- Decent Fighting Skills: While no soldier, she is a noblewoman, so she has some training in sparring and is a decent marksman.


- Unpersonable: Adrienne is cold aloof in the best of times, though she can occasionally show tenderness.  This makes it hard to get people on her side, and she even has trouble bonding with loved ones.  She is secretly shy about sharing her feelings.
- Scrupulosity: Adrienne often feels guilty for things that are not her fault.
- Unstable: Despite being stoical most of the time, her suppressed anger can strike during inopportune times.  It can also get the better of her judgment.  Zucca has joked that if not for her marital status, she'd be a great match for Pyrodox. 
- Single-Minded - Adrienne can be obsessive to the point of tunnel vision.  It can be difficult to other factors for her at times.











Combat Skills


Bio by Pyrodox
Image 1 by Pyrodox
Grid Average: 2.5

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