Sunday, September 25, 2022

Cantor Grammick

Full Name: Cantor Grammick

Sex: Male

Species: Unknown/various (cyborg)

Age: Unknown (at least 700)

Place of Birth: Unknown

Legal Status: Supreme Ruler of the Delta Sector

Occupation: Megalomaniac

Allegiance: N/A

Height: 5’6” (no legs)

Sexuality: Unknown

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: N/A

Vehicles of Choice: The Culmination (flagship)

Weapons of Choice: Psychic powers, telekinetic prosthesis 

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: Tony Todd 



        “Many assume that my tributes are the result of some form of irrational, 

        animalistic bloodlust on my part, but I assure you, such degradation I leave to 

        the lowlier of my subjects.  I do this to debase others and, thus, elevate 

        myself.  If you can convince people to kill their own kin, butcher their own 

        offspring, there is no limit to the amount of control you can have over them.” 

              - Cantor Grammick

        Centuries ago, the few survivors of a long-forgotten alien race had contrived a way to extend their lifespans through cybernetics.  In order maintain immortality, their disembodied brains would require compatible cell replacement.  Settling in a few neighboring star systems, they ruled primitive native populations as gods.  Their biological tributes were levied with varying degrees of malice, and some of these beings had relatively well-meaning plans for their subjects.  While they all enjoyed their power, Grammick was the most malicious and cruel.  Unsatisfied with the tribute he needed to survive, he demanded excess sacrifice as a test of loyalty, manipulating his slaves’ tribalism, fear, and hedonism.

      Eventually, the sector was discovered by the Church of Revenance, who had a mind to convert its inhabitants.  Fortunately, most of these “gods” were convinced by the Church’s admonitions, repented of their ways, and accepted mortality.  Grammick, however, resisted and was banished by his former brethren after a bitter conflict.

       Countless years later, he awoke from his hibernation and discovered that his dominion was now run by the Church, a religion that stood for everything he despised as weakness.  To add insult to injury, he was remembered as a false god, and his very name and trappings were co-opted to use in reference to some simplistic, pious peasant (he conducted a near-successful purge of any such named Church member). Needless to say, he was none too happy about it. 

       Gaining control of his planet back, he took advantage of peoples’ personal weaknesses to manipulate them into worshipping him once again.  Declaring war on CoS, he expanded his realm, forcing the Church to militarize and succeed in stopping his advances.  He lorded over Delta Sector, while the Church provides a buffer state in the form of Gamma Sector.  

       Grammick is cool and collected in his demeanor, yet also vindictive and petty.  He sees himself as a god, and only affects a condescending concern for his subjects as a pretext to control them.  His name is feared in the Church and abroad.  He is a scientific and strategic genius, as well as a manipulative expert on sapient nature.  In addition to legions of slaves, he keeps the council of a handful of military and scientific experts and he has gathered a small group of elite warriors known as the Passions, each of whom represent a vice that he tends to manipulate.   

      He has stayed alive by grafting cells from various species to replace his own, augmenting the new tissue with his own memory imprints when need be.  Eventually his brain became completely made up of replacement cells, not that he cares about the ontological questions that raises.  He has also modified his brain to possess psychic powers.  

      More intense than his own self-love is his hatred for goodness.  He sees all sapient life besides his own as insignificant, and detests anyone who would say otherwise.  He toys with life, creating and destroying it for his own amusement.  At one point, he created a sapient race specifically to overpopulate a planet deep inside his own territory and destroy it for no better reason than accuse the Church of hypocrisy; he dared them to rescue the planet, knowing that the campaign would be counterproductive and near-suicidal.  Naturally, the Church knew better than to take the bait and they never hear the end of it.  

        Rumors abound that he has already mastered limited inter-dimensional travel, but there is little doubt that he desires achieve this as a means to destroy life while still being able to control it.  


        “What did you see when you looked into him, old man…?”

        “Only evidence that we must destroy that creature at all costs…”

              - Doc Mallory and Zucca Xerfantes





Immortal: Grammick is effectively immortal, and thus has centuries, possibly millennia, of experience, as well as the assurance that he will never die unless made to do so.

Super-Genius: Extremely high natural intellect combined with strategic, scientific, and psychological expertise.

Charismatic: Grammick is very persuasive and has convinced countless people that he is a god.  He is particularly good at exploiting peoples’ vices.

Psychic: Grammick’s ability to read minds of those in proximity as well as inflict hallucinations and psychological damage.  He can also shield himself from psionic attacks better than any known being.  

Telekinetic Cybernetics: Grammick’s cybernetic hands contain devices which enable him to lift, move, and destroy objects around him

Shielding: His cyborg body utilizes an advanced shield system that makes him impervious to most small-scale attacks.

Levitation: His body’s repulsor system allows him to move swiftly and silently

Endurance: Grammick’s cyborg body has a long battery life whose limit no one has apparently encountered yet. 





Petty: Grammick’s ability to hold a grudge very occasionally gives him tunnel vision.

Egotistical: Grammick’s megalomania can sometimes cause him to underestimate his enemies.

- Fear of Death: His aspirations toward godhood have made this is one fear, though next to nobody seems able to make this a reality.  Rumor has it that Death herself once appeared to him in anthropomorphic form, something which she rarely does to living beings, simply to give him something to worry about.  It could be said Death is the only person he fears, despite his putting on airs otherwise.














Combat Skills



-Bio by Pyrodox

-Image 1 by Pyrodox

-Image 2 by BingFox

-Image 3 by Pyrodox

-Image 4 by Pyrodox

-Grid Average: 3.7

-Grammick is actually one of Pyrodox’s first character designs, dating back to his first days on deviantArt in 2005.  

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