Saturday, September 10, 2022

Doc Mallory


Legal Name: Andrew Rutger Mallory (b. Marion Malloryson Mallory)

Aliases: Doc Mallory, Doc Mal, The (Terrific) Tailor, Drew, Mary, Brutish Dandy

Sex: Male

Species: Rathi (Black-footed ferret/Red fox hybrid)

Age: ~400 (factoring in space-time dilation), Mid-thirties physically

Place of Birth: Birr, County Offaly, Ireland; Earth-660

Legal Status: Japanese (naturalized 1999)

Occupation: Tailor, actor, semi-retired pro-wrestler & martial artist, father, galactic adventurer

Allegiance: Mallory Family, Xerfantes Family, Niigata Commerce Guild, S.P.E.A.R.

Height:  6'5”

Weight: 250lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Widowed

Known Relatives: Mallory Mallory (mother), Elias Hawkwind (father, deceased), Edvin Mallory (stepfather), Renée Mallory (wife, deceased) Rebecca Mallory (adoptive daughter), Margo Mallory (half-sister), Morgan Mallory (half-sister), Mirko Mallory (half-brother), LADY (chimeric offspring)

Vehicles of Choice: Public transportation, rental cars, The Cryok

Weapons of Choice: Temperance (custom cane sword), Stitch-in-Time (concealed tantō knife), various bespoke silksteel suits & vests, fisticuffs

Creator: Groveclearer

Voiceclaim: Colm Meaney



            Marion Malloryson Mallory was by all accounts a juvenile delinquent. The product of a single mother whose rundown farmhouse was usually filled with up to a dozen journeyman pro-wrestlers stopping in for training, he was often lost in the shuffle and found himself roaming about getting in trouble as a result. Attention-seeking, combative, and rather unwilling to apply himself in school, Marion spent most of his waking hours either running errands for the local gang or locking himself in his room with a sewing machine and a stack of comic books. It seemed his mother only began paying attention to him in any capacity when his teenage growth spurt hit and he became a potential breadwinner.

            As you'd expect from a choleric individual with a desperate need for validation, Marion took to the carny arts fairly well, discovering a natural affinity for weightlifting and smooth-talking people out of their hard-earned money. By the time of his late teens he was one of the hottest young prospects in the United Kingdom and was primed for greatness. The glow of the spotlight wasn't without its heat, however. Marion's already shaky schoolwork slowed to a standstill as his focus was turned to short-term gains. Despite the efforts of his best friend, an upperclassman named Edvin who would attempt to tutor him in exchange for reduced price wrestling training, Marion's frustration with his failing grades grew to such a point he quit schooling altogether after getting in a physical confrontation with a teacher.

            Marion's relationship with his mother deteriorated further after his dropping out of school. Often, they got into shouting matches over the family business, specifically her training of Edvin, whom Marion was convinced his mother was taking advantage of financially as he was showing no signs of improving. Eventually they had a massive argument the week of Christmas, 1988 over Marion's decision to wear a set of ring gear he'd tailored himself, his first such custom piece, to a match he was booked to win his first major title in. The magnitude of the argument was such that Marion was entirely off his game during the match and suffered a major concussion during a mistimed spot. He spent Christmas Day feverishly flitting in and out of consciousness on the family couch, convinced he was dying, tended to periodically by Edvin and a handful of Japanese wrestlers on excursion, all of whom became increasingly weirded out by Marion's disjointed babbling about being able to understand them. His mother, for her part, was practically having a breakdown of her own trying to salvage the situation with phone calls to other promoters.

            It was nighttime when his fever finally broke and by then everyone had gone to bed save for Edvin and his mother. After a brief conversation the pair dropped another bombshell on his still reeling mind – his mother was pregnant and Edvin was the father. The emotional strain of it all was so great that he blacked out and awoke two days later in a holding cell several counties over, having gone into a fugue state after evidently assaulting his mother and best friend. It was then his new powers manifested full for the first time and he was flooded with a series of intrusive thoughts and suppositions. It all made sense to him now – his mother's closeness to Edvin, the unspoken fear and tension between them, and just how stupid he'd been the whole of his life. He broke down into a weeping mess as he was overwhelmed by the constant tide of information. The only person there to offer him any support was the man in the adjacent cell – a traveler picked up for vagrancy. It was in that moment that Marion Mallory first met Zucca Xerfantes, the most important man in his life.

            In but a few words in an alien tongue Zucca comforted the scared young man and helped him center himself, presenting to him a lesson that would become a core defining part of his identity going forward:


         Whatever life throws at you, whatever it gives or takes away, it's your choice to 

        decide how you react to it. The last and greatest of man's freedoms is the 

        ability to control his attitude, to choose how he conducts himself in any situation.

                 - Zucca Xerfantes, paraphrasing Viktor Frankl


It was mere hours later that Marion was released from captivity and turned over to his mother. She and Edvin had refused to press charges, being glad to simply have him back in one piece after he wandered off into the cold night alone days earlier, and, with some help from friends in low places, the incident was more-or-less swept under the rug. However, Marion had become a tainted prospect by the whole event and could no longer be booked in the United Kingdom. Faced with the prospect of retirement at the fresh age of eighteen, the Mallory family instead set Marion up with an alternate option – travel to Japan along with the trainees and join their dojo, rebuild his reputation from the ground up, and learn something approximating life skills in the process. It wasn't long in deliberation before they agreed this would be the best step going forwards. Barely able to speak to either his mother or his best friend, Marion bid them goodbye shortly after New Year's Day 1989. It would be the last time he met with them for nearly twenty years.

            The next two decades would see Marion establish himself as a prominent pro-wrestler, martial artist, and actor in the orient. Aided to a great extent by his newfound power and being led by the strict hand of a master with an agenda, Marion would take to the martial arts like a duck to water. In the mean time, he became owner and proprietor of Mallory's Tailor Shop (Niigata, Japan – Commissions by appointment!). His personal life would be one of great internal and external conflict as an ever-growing roster of influential people passed into and out of his life – his long-lived sensei and Kumiho infiltrator Aio Oka, his long-term tag partner turned promoter and professional politician Professor Stephen Hase, from whom he derived his ring name 'Doc' Mallory, his on-again-off-again girlfriend and fast-living American exchange student, Renée James, who convinced him to change his legal name to Andrew Rutger Mallory, and of course the mysterious traveler that is Zucca Xerfantes. It was after a number of years that Zucca finally revealed his true nature to him and they boarded the Cryok together, The Tailor being added to the already growing legend of The Traveler.






Brave: The man is perhaps matched only by Aries Passadar in the lengths he'll go to in order to do what he feels is right, regardless of personal risk. He loves his fisticuffs, he does.

Charitable: Capable of remarkable acts of self-sacrifice, usually monetarily. Most of his income ends up going to anonymous charity donations, tithes, and inordinately large tips for servers. He never brings it up, curiously enough, and is borderline hilariously cheap when his personal finances are brought into question.

Superhuman Intuition: Possesses passive superhuman pattern recognition abilities that manifest as him being remarkably quick on the uptake of languages, mathematics, fighting styles, vehicle operation, and pretty much everything else you'd expect a stereotypical hyper-competent pulp hero to do. He'd easily be one of the smartest men in the multiverse if he applied himself properly instead of using his powers as a crutch.

Omnilingual: Drop the man off in any country on any planet and he'll be fluent in the local tongue in less than two days. One of the few characters that doesn't require a universal translator or telepathy to pull this feat off.

Fitness Nut: Takes his weightlifting and dieting as seriously as his tailoring.

Advanced Meditation Techniques: Thanks to extensive training with both Zucca and the Kumiho he's learned to focus and control himself both physically and mentally. Aside from basic personal maintenance and recuperation, this often helps him focus his power into a specific line of thought, picking a situation apart Sherlock style, or to quiet it entirely to let himself operate on autopilot. He can't quite astral project but give it another few hundred years.

Charismatic: Extraordinarily affable, if only in the shallow way that professional entertainers are.






Wrathful: His first instinct is to dive headlong into any problem with both fists clenched. He's also somewhat of a serial instigator in his own right, not helped by him taking offense easily and holding grudges for a long, long time.

Stubborn: Seemingly must do things the most difficult way possible, especially if a more tactful approach is called for. It's all about the struggle for him... even if most of his real problems in life end up being solved nonviolently or through less direct means. As Zucca once put, “He's a scalpel who thinks he's a hammer”.

Morally/Intellectually Uneven: For all his affability and Christian notions, he's capable of being shockingly cold-hearted at times. There's simply no excuse for the lack of empathy with which he's capable of dismissing his friends, family, and loved ones if he feels he needs to. He operates on the presumption that people will always hold the same opinions of him and are incapable of changing. It's been disastrous to his personal life. Let's not even get started on how he treats his so-called normie friends on Earth. If you're not someone he's currently got a personal stake in, the best you're getting out of him is playful indifference.

Overload/Burnout: At times his power provides him with an overabundance of input leading to severe cases of “rabbit hole” thinking that's borderline incomprehensible either to himself or anyone else. In extreme cases this results in his power shorting out entirely for days at a time. A great deal of concentration is required to break out of these bouts, sometimes even a prolonged period of isolation and meditation. This has been used against him many times by his more intelligent (or blindly lucky) adversaries.

Self-destructive: Doc is far more preoccupied in brooding over his poor life choices and feeling like a martyr than making an effort to address the root causes in any meaningful way. This leads to a cycle of his creating new problems almost as soon as he solves old ones. He must suffer and he must ultimately be the cause of his own suffering.














Combat Skills







The Artificer (Mirko Mallory)

The Fa'tik Empire

Wendell A. Roussimoff



The Illuminati (Lord Shane Hagan, etc.)

Sid Rockatansky

Mao Tse Mau

The Kumiho

Accuz Xerfantes

Cantor Grammick



CoS (Pyrodox, Dove, Sorova)


Capt. Loot

Mr. Fairweather






The Pangolian

Sorrowhand & Kretch: Attorneys at Law

Hare Razor (I-VIII)



Fa'tik Seneschals (elite foot soldiers of the Empire)

Oni Green Gang (local Niigata street gang)

Various armies (North Koreans, etc.)




Bio by Groveclearer 

Image 1 by Pawmaggedon

Image 2 by Kenji_Blake (NSFW)

Image 3 by Pawmageddon

Grid Average: 3.17

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