Saturday, September 10, 2022


Legal Name: N/A

Aliases: Jaqueline Michelle Lelantos (formerly)

Sex: N/A (female programming)

Species: N/A (robot)

Age: 30 (mentally 41)

Place of Birth: Lelantos Labs, Planet Lethe

Legal Status: Property of Auris Lelantos

Occupation: Tactician, Diplomat

Allegiance: Auris Lelantos

Height: 3’6” (current form, no legs), 4’6” (formerly)

Weight: 200 lbs. 

Sexuality: N/A

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Auris Lelantos (designer, “father”)

Vehicles of Choice: The Tourmaline

Weapons of Choice: Laser pistol

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: TBD



         Tragedy struck when the Jaqueline Lelantos, daughter of robotics pioneer Auris Lelantos, died at the age of eleven.  Unable to cope with the loss, Lelantos, using his unparalleled mastery of artificial intelligence, created an android copy of his daughter, programming it with her emotional responses and affinities.  It was a massive undertaking, taking years of trial runs to achieve genuinely sapient, self-awareness in a robot.  In addition to his own records, Lelantos sought out any of his daughter’s acquaintances, prompting them to give him as much information on her as possible, unaware of the true purpose of their interviews.  In order to simulate the realism of his daughter further, he conducted these interviews blind so that the android would possess memories that she could reveal to him.  As a result, he was unable to refine this data into simulated experiences, causing some level of confusion for the AI.  

       For approximately five years, “Jaqueline” was, as far as she knew, a young girl, and her “father” was satisfied.  However, her inability to mature temperamentally forced him to face the reality that she was not his daughter, only a simulation.  Dissatisfied, he redesigned her, giving her a new body and modifying her personality so as to possess adult-level intelligence and emotionality, as well as knowledge of her origin.  Modeled after a Rathi jackal, the newly christened robot still possessed the simulated memories of Jaqueline Lelantos, presumably to maintain her loyalty.

       As the primary enforcer of Lelantos Robotics, JAQ/L is an extremely thorough administrator, handling many of the company’s business matters, as well as negotiating its off-planet interests.  Having secluded himself to the mysterious planet Lethe, Auris’ agenda is increasingly mysterious, but one thing is certain: he is extremely wary of any other entity attaining anywhere near the AI technology he has developed.  As such, he dispatches JAQ/L to ensure that LR maintains its hegemony in its commercial field, sometimes using violence.  She is known to be calculating, patient, and cold-blooded/aggressive when necessary.  Because JAQ/L’s actions are unofficial, Lelantos Robotics conveniently maintains its legal interests. Rumors abound that there may be more…militaristic parts of the corporation’s agenda.  Anyway, few of bold enough to venture onto the highly guarded planet of Lethe. 

        Despite her cold demeanor, JAQ/L’s memories cause her to have a bit of an identity crisis.  She’s motivated to understand her past further by researching the life of the real Jaqueline Lelantos, and, unbeknownst her master, has once tracked down the ruined remains of her former body for contemplation in her private chambers.  She questions and tests the programmed impulses form her personality, sometimes even exaggerating the more superficial traits.  For example, Jaqueline’s favorite color was blue, and therefore JAQ/L is obsessed with it, quantifying its shades and making it a consistent motif in her form and accessories. Possibly because of this, she found herself quite attracted to Pyrodox, the closest she has come to physical attraction, an attraction further reinforced by their both being tactically minded.  Nostalgic for her “father’s” affection, JAQ/L is highly motivated to please him, although he purposefully distances himself from her and they have never met face to face in years.  JAQ/L is aware of this as a potential manipulation tactic/coping mechanism, and she is not above having her own side projects despite her loyalty. 

        JAQ/L remains one of our heroes’ most mysterious, cunning and dangerous foes, and few can guess when she’ll strike next.  





Expert Tactician: JAQ/L is extremely cunning and creative as the paramilitary leader of Lelantos Robotics.  Her computerized brain has encyclopedic knowledge of strategy, and can calculate factors quickly.

Expert Diplomat: Well-versed in sapient behavior as well as business practices, JAQ/L can negotiate deals very well.  She can read people well and calculate the exact method needed.  She is also aggressive when she needs to be.

Patient: JAQ/L is cool-minded and almost emotionless, which helps her make long-range decisions.

Cold-Blooded: She has little qualms about doing what she feels is effective in reaching her goals.

Curious: Her identity crises has motivated her to find novel ways to get the job done.  She is eager to understand her foes.

Eloquent: JAQ/L is witty and an expert conversationalist.  Her mathematical skills have made her an accomplished poet.

Artistic: Has shown to be a competent painter.

- Decent Marksman





- Doubtful: She can be manipulated by people who know of her identity crisis.

- Paternal Issues: Her relationship with her “father” limits her independence, and this is taken advantage by him.  

- Anti-Social: Despite her eagerness to converse with and learn about people, they find her coldness off-putting, and her lack of genuine loyalty toward them is reciprocated.  As such, she finds it hard to trust others she can depend on.  Not that she cares.  Then again, the only person who seems to have ever enjoyed her company is the fearless fellow artist Sorova.

- Depressed: Her identity issues cause this, which can very occasionally cause her to lose her temper.

- Weak Combatant: She is not designed for direct combat.

- Coward: Understandable considering her lack of combat skills and hight self-preservation instinct.
















Combat Skills






Bio and Images by Pyrodox

Grid Average: 2.7

When frustrated, her eyes have a tendency to have the same effect as this monitor when activated. 


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