Saturday, October 7, 2023


by Zucca


        Doc Mallory was busy.

        He rushed through his workshop, frowning as he took note of the dwindling supplies. A crisis would be afoot if he could not pull this situation together in time, and innocent people would suffer.

        He could not allow that to happen.

        The doorbell jingled, and the familiar presence of the Traveler filled the shop. 

        “You needed me for somethi-?” his mixed-accented voice began.

        “Aye, no time to lose, either! I’m in desperate need of these items and I know you won’t let me down.” Doc shoved a list into Zucca’s hand as he dashed across the workshop, carrying bolts of fabric.

        The hybrid studied the list, his brow elevating. “Expensive list.”

        Doc scoffed. “You fly in a giant crystal with a Dyson Ring stuffed inside. That’s a few degrees classier than a Cadillac. Methinks it won’t dent your pocketbook too badly.”

        “Mine isn’t to what I refer. Is this-?”

        Zucca was cut off again.  “Pro bono, this one! Well, mostly. Basic package. But this one deserves something good to happen,” Mal barked as he got to work, lining up ivory white linen and lace.

        Zucca smiled, practically beaming. “I’ll be back shortly.”

        Kolo was next to arrive, carrying a rack of meats and a small box with a sample of cake inside. 

        “The rum’s overpowering the butter in the cake. Reduce it by ten percent and spring for buttercream frosting: not that canned shite. Steak No. 4 on the tray seems like how we want the beef, chicken: No. 2 for the poultry, and the first salmon’s the best!” Mal exclaimed.

        Kolo saluted. “Noted! I’ll get to work right away!” the white puma-naja slithered out with haste.  Pyrodox came in next.

        “I have secured a venue. It’s no Catholic Cathedral…nor is it a Church of Revenance convent, but it will do.”

        “And it’s Tantalous, right? That’s her and her chosen’s faith,” Doc asked as his scissors cut with skill and precision.

         “Please, Doc, I am not a scatterbrain. I planned accordingly. The Tantelan priest is ready, and I even found a very nice reception hall. Miguel de la Vega Youth Center. It has a large gymnasium that I’ve secured, and Sorova's written a song she will perform."

         "I wrote a song, Doc!" called the snake, who was leaning into a doorway she could not fit through.

         “Good, good! Now if only—”

         Aries came in, the azure wolfess accompanied by the high-energy cheetah, Kira Sierra.

         “Hey, Mal…” Aries said, a lopsided grin on her face.

         Kira flitted to his side. “I’ve got my stuff! Whole DJ package ready to go!”

         Jen’s hooves clopped on the floor as she entered. “Mallory, I have my makeup kit ready, and the dresses and tuxedos are ready for the party as well. Pyrodox supplied the location, and I will be ready for the bride and her maids.”

         “Good work, Jen. See you tomorrow.” The ferret dismissed her with a smile and a wave.

         Gahtren came in next, an enormous, grinning teal dragon. “The decorations are ready to be deployed! We got a venue yet?”

         Mal nodded. “Yup. Pyrodox has it covered. Talk to him!”

         Everyone else cleared out and Aries sat beside Doc, studying his hands as he worked.

           “You’re really going all-out, arent’ you? Did Squire get engaged and I didn’t hear about it?”

           It was a reasonable question, of course. Who else but his pride and joy of a daughter would inspire such an act? “Heh, nope…Never met her until she walked into the shop,” Doc chuckled.

          “Huh? Then…what’s with all this?” she asked, going over the list.

           Mal paused, reclining. “That girl came off as so earnest, so genuine, so utterly in love, that it broke my heart to hear that her mother-in-law-to-be completely trashed her original plans, venue, catering, and all. That’s why I need you on bouncer duty.”

           Aries could not help but smile. “And you pulled all this together? Does she know?”

           “She will. In eight hours. Poor things needs her sleep first,” Mal muttered as he took a step back to inspect his work.

            Aries gasped softly. “Gods above…”

            “Thank you…now my hands can finally fall off,” Mal grumbled.


             Everyone who hand come in clutch sat in the pew furthest back on the Bride’s side of the Tantelan Temple, wanting to remain out of the way, but also to be there. Doc heard the music begin as the doors opened up and the vision of beauty and grace that stepped through brought all chatter, and even the harpsichord player and Sorova's singing, to pause. A dress that looked like it was spun from ivory and silk adorned the bride who stepped forth, the young human’s face flush. Her betrothed, standing by the shrine, stared before tears began to run down his face, so deeply touched by the expression of love beaming from his bride.

             “You’re rubbing of on me, Old Man,” Mal murmured to Zucca.

             The Traveler smiled, shaking his head. “You say that as if you wouldn’t have don the very same thing had we never even met.”

             Mal opened his mouth to belt out, “Just take the stupid compliment, you dusty bodach,” but it caught in his throat. He knew it was true. For all the good influence that Zucca had on him, he was still, in his heart of hearts, a good man who wanted the world to be marginally miserable.

             Mal wiped his eyes with the kerchief that was tucked in his suit’s breast pocket.

             “Thanks you Spanish peacock…” Doc sniffed.

             “Always welcome, you bullheaded pugilist.”

             “Most day. But today, I’m a bullheaded tailer, and a bloody proud one,” he said as the bride stood behind her groom at the shrien, both reciting the chant of unity. 

              “You’re a good man, whatever you wish to be called.”

              Mal’s goodness had not come from Zucca.

              But perhaps, with the old boy’s help, he was finally able to accept the undeniable fact that ye, he, Mallory, had goodness in his heart.

               And as he watched the union rites’ being delivered, a warmth and calm washed over him that he had not known.


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