Friday, January 24, 2025

The Soriano Sisters

Legal Names: Silvina Sonia and Sasha Sofia Soriano

Aliases: The Twins, Squat and Skinny, “Those Two”

Sex: Female

Species: Rathi (wolf)

Age: 27

Place of Birth: De La Vega Province, Spira

Legal Status: Wanted 

Occupation: Privateers

Allegiance: Church of Revenance 

Height: 5’11” (Silvina), 4’11” (Sasha)

Weight: 210 lbs. each

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Mama Soriano

Vehicle of Choice: Privateer vessel The Gemini

Weapons of Choice: Laser Pistols, Cutlasses

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: TBD



The Soriano Sisters are Sass personified. Born in one of the ghettos of the De La Vega Province on Spira, they learned to how to be tough, or at least even tougher than they were when they were born. They had always been very similar in their appearance and temperament and were generally presumed to be identical twins until Silvina underwent her growth spurt and Sasha underwent what passed for hers. 

Despite their demeanor, Mama Soriano (whom they speak of with great respect) succeeded in instilling a strong code of honor in them. Dissatisfied with their society’s ways and unconvinced by the theology of the street missionaries who frequented the area, they eventually found their purpose in the Church of Revenance, where their tenacity made them rise through the ranks and become Privateers tasked with raiding ships for revenue and unofficial strategic gains. While sufficiently independent in emergencies, the Sisters work best as a team, which Silvina’s possessing a better memory and Sasha’s possessing more logical acumen.

The sisters are excellent examples of the X35 Phenotype, and as such they are one of the many individuals rumored to be Elizabeth De La Vega, a theory that would no doubt annoy Mama Soriano. That Silvina has more or less the same build as Aries Passadar does not help with this popular tale. 

The two are very argumentative, especially with each other. There are multiple arguments between them, not the least of which being the supposed superiority of their respective body types. Unfortunately, many men have chosen to court Silvina over Sasha while operating under the stereotype that she is somehow less sassy than her stout sibling. This is a surefire way to annoy Sasha and, if the secret is found out, provoke the ire of both sisters. Despite their dating, they’re saving themselves for Alvaro Munez, though they have yet to accost him on the matter. They still haven’t quite settled the debate on who has the right to make the first move.  





Cunning: Both of the Sisters are clever and unpredictable, which makes them good strategists

Tenacious: They never give up and often shock their enemies with their sheer boldness

Decent Combat Skills: Silvina is more agile than Sasha, who is stronger and boasts a lower center of gravity





Cocky: The Soriano Sisters can sometimes be overconfident and make mistakes

Combative: They have a tendency to argue with each other to the point of distraction

Blunt: Their attitude makes them less than ideal for negotiations, and they have trouble making friends

Slow (Sasha): her body type is not conducive to speed.













Combat Skills















Combat Skills




- Bio by Pyrodox

- Image 1 by Pyrodox

X35 Phenotype

X35 is a relatively common phenotype seen among Rathi wolves defined by a bright blue coat, a blonde mane, and gray eyes. It is especially common in the De La Vega Province of Spira and Castile on Earth-660.



Aries Passadar

Aries Passadar (deceased)

Aries Passadar’s Clone Line

The Soriano Sisters

The Soriano Sisters demonstrating the X35 Phenotype

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Two Steps from Hell

by Zucca

(musical accompaniment)

Sparks erupted from a power relay as it overloaded, sending Ensign Deekin flying, breaking his arm on the railing in CIC. The I.S.S. Argo was listing, having absorbed the atomic missile destined for the middle of the civilian fleet. 

"DAMAGE REPORT!" Commander Aries Passadar roared over the sound of an explosion as Captain Catherine Sonora regarded the flickering tactical display. 

"We've lost power to all starboard thrusters, engines 3 and 5 are dead, and all starboard mass drivers are offline. Repair teams dispatched. The core's still good, but we're venting atmosphere on decks 19 through 23." Kristie's voice crackled over the internal comms. 

"They only had the one nuke. Their fleet's regrouping for their final push. Deekin, what's the status on the reinforcements from Confed?" Catherine calmly asked.

Deekin used his good arm to pull himself back into his seat, studying the latest communication from the fleet. "Twenty minutes, plus or minus two minutes." He said, his words hanging grim and heavy in the air for a moment. It may as well be days.

Catherine studied the display, green eyes darting from one point to another. The militia squadron that had been formed from any civilian ship capable of fighting had been decimated by the Principality's assault fleet. Their starfighters had been intercepting bombers intent on destroying the civilians and were tied up as a result.

Argo stood alone against a numerically superior foe.

Cruisers, frigates, one heavy cruiser as their flagship.

"We're not finished yet, people." Catherine stated matter-of-factly, blood pouring down her face from a piece of shrapnel that had struck her just under the brim of her combination cover.

Harold cracked his neck. "I've still got lateral thrusters, so we can spin in either direction." The navigator noted.

Catherine rubbed her chin. "Gorza, have every close-range mass driver at the ready. Masers won't be effective so shunt power form them to kinetic barriers. I want a roll axis after a thirty second hard burn at maximum forward thrust. Transfer reloading teams from the starboard mass drivers to the portside, I want those barrels glowing. Is our forward railgun still operable?" 

The muscular hyena studied her screens. "Affirmative. Kali wills us retain our destructive capability there."

"In addition to the previous orders, I want the railgun charged up and ready to fire twenty seconds into our hard burn with added compensatory engine power. Once we breach the enemy fleet perimeter, roll us as hard as the thrusters can and I want every weapon firing. The railgun's target: That heavy cruiser. The mass drivers' and missiles targets: Everything else. Execute my orders in thirty seconds on my mark..."

She pulled up her sleeve, inspecting her watch, a gift from her grandfather.


Aries stepped up to Catherine. "When this is over, supposing we're not captured or killed, remind me to buy you that wine I owe you."

"I'd like a cellar's worth if I get us through this. They won't expect it. They think we'll keep soaking up damage for the civilians. That's why they're preparing a pincer. One to keep us occupied, the other to wipe out the civilians." Catherine noted, dabbing blood off her face with a kerchief.

"It's been an honor, Catherine." Aries said, shaking the other woman's hand.

Catherine managed a smile.

"... three... two... one. All-ahead, maximum burn!" Harold’s brother, Gerald the Helmsman shouted.

The ship careened forward, spinning in order to give the Portside gunnery crews access to all targets! Argo fired its heavy railgun, normally reserved for planetary bombardments, at the heavy cruiser, punching through its barriers and burning a hole through the hull. The enemy fleet frantically began firing at Argo as it ripped through them, pelting the battleship. CIC was awash in eruptions of sparks, explosions and violent shaking...

The privateer craft, with its almost impregnable framework, plowed into the damaged heavy cruiser, ripping it asunder!

The Argo herself burst through a cloud of expanding vaporized metal and gas, black streaks decorating the hull as she twisted about, coming back into the fray!

She rammed a light cruiser in a similar fashion, but her momentum was killed and by then, the engines had all but been destroyed, Argo began spinning out of control, still being pelted by enemy fire.

"Status?" Catherine coughed up some blood, having been thrown about. 

"They're still attacking us. No guns on the civilians." Aries reported from Gorza's post, the tactical officer’s having been struck in the head by an exploding panel, laying against the wall, shaking.

"Good. Deekin, where's the fleet?" 

"Four minutes..." The Nelkini murmured, the reptilian's wings steadying him against the trembling of CIC. 

"Engineering here... we're dead in space. They're hitting us everywhere. Eventually they'll penetrate the outer shell and when that happens, we're dead." Kristie's voice crackled.

"At least they're hammering us and not the civvies..." Aries huffed. 

"Deekin... hail the closest cruiser. Offer terms of surrender." Catherine stated.

"They're refusing hails." Deekin winced.

Catherine sat in her command chair. "Crew, I-"




"They're here!" Aries barked as one of the Principality cruisers burst apart, Confederation ships pouring from a bridge hole!

"Admiral Nguyn here. Good job protecting the civilians, Argo. We'll take it from here!"

Catherine slumped into her seat, relief washing over her expression. "Softened them up for you."