Legal Name: Jaden Thomas Vale
Aliases: N/A
Species: Human/Rathi (wolf) Hybrid
Age: 43
Place of Birth: Unknown
Legal Status: Citizen, Alpha Republic
Occupation: CEO, Agilus Industries
Allegiance: “Democracy”
Height: 6’1
Weight: 190 lb.
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown*
Vehicles of Choice: Luxury Yacht, Limousines
Weapons of Choice: N/A
Creator: Pyrodox
Voiceclaim: Brandon Rogers
Jaden Vale is the CEO of Agilus Industries, Alpha Republic’s most lucrative and widespread conglomerate.The company specializes in flashy, but efficiently-produced consumer, social media, and military products. Profits are increased by the use of subscription-based operation on as many items as possible, and Vale is very adept at coming up with new ideas to make more and more items based on this system. Agilus also lobbies heavily for government regulations in order to maintain its monopolies, and has a proportionately large legal division.
There have however, been some mishaps.Vale was once the subject of a massive lawsuit involving a line of cars which used predictive AI in order to facilitate gearshifts more efficiently, but he has since moved to Neutronium Mining, which required some lobbying to convince the Alpha Republic to annex a territory in the Beta Quadrant. Also, when tasked by the Alpha Intelligence Agency to subtly monitor the populace through the addition of a more complex network interface,Vale saw the opportunity to increase parts sales by giving the device an artificially short service life.The resultant complaints eventually shed light on the AIA’s plan, resulting Vale’s being visited by a few agents, whose fashion advice was useful in his adoption of a tastefully minimalistic cybernetic eye. Despite this, Vale’s lobbying and short-term bidding has provided him many military contracts, including the Halberd-Class Rifle.
Vale is perennially vexed by the success of Lelantos Labs among more discerning buyers, and has used far more illicit means of competing with them. Means involving mercenaries and private military companies. An unlikely ally in this crusade is JAQ/L, who in spite of her apparent loyalty to Lelantos, has secretly done Vale’s dirty work on numerous occasions, including actions taken against Lelantos Labs and its customers. Despite this, she still consistently performs such operations on behalf of her “father” and his company, although apparently none of those actions are against Vale and Agilus Industries. It is not fully known why she does this, especially considering the incessant abuse endured by her from Vale, who apparently sees her as beneath contempt. Then again, JAQ/L’s plans and motivations are often of question, while Vale is not known for his prudence.
His nebulous history gives some credence to his boasts of being a self-made man, *but in reality Vale is the son of Auris Lelantos and an unknown Rathi female. Not willing to wait for a natural succession, he attempted to assassinate his father and take over and was subsequently exiled. His cheap, but marketable, products enabled him to take over the corporate world by storm, but he still wishes to annex his father’s holdings. Unable to fully turn on his own son, Lelantos refuses to take substantial action against him, and has even tasked JAQ/L to do much of Vale’s dirty work, no matter how counterintuitive it may seem to the interests of Lelantos Labs. JAQ/L inwardly struggles with this, suspecting that this yet another way for her “father” to send a message that she will never truly be Lelantos’ child in the capacity that Vale is. Being a robot, she still follows her orders dutifully.
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Vale closer to the founding of Agilus Industries |
- Cunning Businessman: Vale is exceptionally skilled at achieving success in the corporate world through investment, advertisement, and lobbying. He has become dominant despite the shortcomings of his products.
- Charismatic: Vale has the gift of gab, which enables him to present a friendly façade to the public while schmoozing the right people in power.
- Ruthless: Vale will do anything and everything to attain power regardless of moral considerations.
- Competent Engineer: Having been trained by the best, Vale is able to design effectively, even for planned obsolescence.
- Impulsive: Vale is very impatient and can act without thinking. Not very good at long-term consequences.
- Temperamental: He can have a short temper and is very unpleasant around people who know him. Does not inspire true loyalty from those in the know.
- Greedy: His avarice can cloud his judgment, and his ambitions often dwarf his plans.
- Lack of Military Tactics: He is largely dependent upon JAQ/L’s advice in this field.
- Lack of Combat Skills: Though very fit, he lacks fighting ability, though he can easily beat up Wendell and Saleria. At the same time. (If he did, Sorova would beat the shit out of him.)
Intelligence | nnnnn |
Charisma | nnnnn |
Strength | nnnnn |
Speed | nnnnn |
Durability | nnnnn |
Combat Skills | nnnnn |