Sunday, September 25, 2022

Cantor Grammick

Full Name: Cantor Grammick

Sex: Male

Species: Unknown/various (cyborg)

Age: Unknown (at least 700)

Place of Birth: Unknown

Legal Status: Supreme Ruler of the Delta Sector

Occupation: Megalomaniac

Allegiance: N/A

Height: 5’6” (no legs)

Sexuality: Unknown

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: N/A

Vehicles of Choice: The Culmination (flagship)

Weapons of Choice: Psychic powers, telekinetic prosthesis 

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: Tony Todd 



        “Many assume that my tributes are the result of some form of irrational, 

        animalistic bloodlust on my part, but I assure you, such degradation I leave to 

        the lowlier of my subjects.  I do this to debase others and, thus, elevate 

        myself.  If you can convince people to kill their own kin, butcher their own 

        offspring, there is no limit to the amount of control you can have over them.” 

              - Cantor Grammick

        Centuries ago, the few survivors of a long-forgotten alien race had contrived a way to extend their lifespans through cybernetics.  In order maintain immortality, their disembodied brains would require compatible cell replacement.  Settling in a few neighboring star systems, they ruled primitive native populations as gods.  Their biological tributes were levied with varying degrees of malice, and some of these beings had relatively well-meaning plans for their subjects.  While they all enjoyed their power, Grammick was the most malicious and cruel.  Unsatisfied with the tribute he needed to survive, he demanded excess sacrifice as a test of loyalty, manipulating his slaves’ tribalism, fear, and hedonism.

      Eventually, the sector was discovered by the Church of Revenance, who had a mind to convert its inhabitants.  Fortunately, most of these “gods” were convinced by the Church’s admonitions, repented of their ways, and accepted mortality.  Grammick, however, resisted and was banished by his former brethren after a bitter conflict.

       Countless years later, he awoke from his hibernation and discovered that his dominion was now run by the Church, a religion that stood for everything he despised as weakness.  To add insult to injury, he was remembered as a false god, and his very name and trappings were co-opted to use in reference to some simplistic, pious peasant (he conducted a near-successful purge of any such named Church member). Needless to say, he was none too happy about it. 

       Gaining control of his planet back, he took advantage of peoples’ personal weaknesses to manipulate them into worshipping him once again.  Declaring war on CoS, he expanded his realm, forcing the Church to militarize and succeed in stopping his advances.  He lorded over Delta Sector, while the Church provides a buffer state in the form of Gamma Sector.  

       Grammick is cool and collected in his demeanor, yet also vindictive and petty.  He sees himself as a god, and only affects a condescending concern for his subjects as a pretext to control them.  His name is feared in the Church and abroad.  He is a scientific and strategic genius, as well as a manipulative expert on sapient nature.  In addition to legions of slaves, he keeps the council of a handful of military and scientific experts and he has gathered a small group of elite warriors known as the Passions, each of whom represent a vice that he tends to manipulate.   

      He has stayed alive by grafting cells from various species to replace his own, augmenting the new tissue with his own memory imprints when need be.  Eventually his brain became completely made up of replacement cells, not that he cares about the ontological questions that raises.  He has also modified his brain to possess psychic powers.  

      More intense than his own self-love is his hatred for goodness.  He sees all sapient life besides his own as insignificant, and detests anyone who would say otherwise.  He toys with life, creating and destroying it for his own amusement.  At one point, he created a sapient race specifically to overpopulate a planet deep inside his own territory and destroy it for no better reason than accuse the Church of hypocrisy; he dared them to rescue the planet, knowing that the campaign would be counterproductive and near-suicidal.  Naturally, the Church knew better than to take the bait and they never hear the end of it.  

        Rumors abound that he has already mastered limited inter-dimensional travel, but there is little doubt that he desires achieve this as a means to destroy life while still being able to control it.  


        “What did you see when you looked into him, old man…?”

        “Only evidence that we must destroy that creature at all costs…”

              - Doc Mallory and Zucca Xerfantes





Immortal: Grammick is effectively immortal, and thus has centuries, possibly millennia, of experience, as well as the assurance that he will never die unless made to do so.

Super-Genius: Extremely high natural intellect combined with strategic, scientific, and psychological expertise.

Charismatic: Grammick is very persuasive and has convinced countless people that he is a god.  He is particularly good at exploiting peoples’ vices.

Psychic: Grammick’s ability to read minds of those in proximity as well as inflict hallucinations and psychological damage.  He can also shield himself from psionic attacks better than any known being.  

Telekinetic Cybernetics: Grammick’s cybernetic hands contain devices which enable him to lift, move, and destroy objects around him

Shielding: His cyborg body utilizes an advanced shield system that makes him impervious to most small-scale attacks.

Levitation: His body’s repulsor system allows him to move swiftly and silently

Endurance: Grammick’s cyborg body has a long battery life whose limit no one has apparently encountered yet. 





Petty: Grammick’s ability to hold a grudge very occasionally gives him tunnel vision.

Egotistical: Grammick’s megalomania can sometimes cause him to underestimate his enemies.

- Fear of Death: His aspirations toward godhood have made this is one fear, though next to nobody seems able to make this a reality.  Rumor has it that Death herself once appeared to him in anthropomorphic form, something which she rarely does to living beings, simply to give him something to worry about.  It could be said Death is the only person he fears, despite his putting on airs otherwise.














Combat Skills



-Bio by Pyrodox

-Image 1 by Pyrodox

-Image 2 by BingFox

-Image 3 by Pyrodox

-Image 4 by Pyrodox

-Grid Average: 3.7

-Grammick is actually one of Pyrodox’s first character designs, dating back to his first days on deviantArt in 2005.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Zucca Xerfantes

Legal Name: Zucca Prometheus Xerfantes (Extraterrestrial Tunguska Hybrid Experiment, Mk. 1)

Aliases: The Traveler, Interloper, The Old Man

Sex: Male 

Age: 564,141 (physically in late 20’s)

Place of Birth: Victory City, Egypt

Legal Status: Wanted in Some Dimensions

Occupation: Nomadic Explorer

Allegiance: N/A, Recent member of SPEAR

Height: 6’

Weight: 185

Sexuality: Bisexual

Marital Status: Married multiple times throughout lifetime

Known Relatives: Accuz, Amon, Ajax, Harabec, Masudah, and Cuzca Xerfantest (genetic siblings), Raven Xerfantes (wife), Eshoq and Na’eema Xerfantes (children)

Vehicles of ChoiceThe Cryok, anything with an open cockpit

Creator: Zucca Xerfantes

Voiceclaim: Zucca Xerfantes



      It all began with the Tunguska Event.


      A blue light appeared over Tunguska in the Russian steppes.  It slowly descended, too slow to be a comet, fragment, or meteor, yet when it touched down, it released a burst of energy that flattened the surrounding forest and carved out a small lake.  The initial search team never found out what had fallen; it took a hundred and fifty years for scientific instruments to become tuned enough to detect the signals emerging from the Tunguska Crater.  

     The science team from Prometheus Labs in the multi-cultural city of Victoria, Egypt traveled there and unearthed a crystalline shard about the size of a coffin.  Within they found genetic material unlike anything they had ever seen along with a mathematical cypher that contained detailed instructions on how to create a hybrid from the local dominant species.  These humans were perplexed, but they began to carry out the instructions under tightly controlled conditions.  Alas, they found through simulations that a zygote produced by the fusion would be unsustainable.  It required genetic material to create a viable organism.  Since they had already used the finest human samples they could find (Olympians, astronauts, orators, negotiators, business moguls, scientists, artists, etc.) they took the best stock from what their simulations showed to be the most compatible lifeform on Earth…


        Canis Lupus.

        The Gray Wolf.  


        The Wolves of Yellowstone’s Druid Pack were selected to donate material and a hundred zygotes were finally produced.  Ninety-nine were placed in cold storage while the promising wone with the strongest genetic pattern was selected to gestate.  

       As nine months passed, the scientists began to have strange dreams: voices, like whispers in their heads started to pervade their minds.  They would dream of crystalline landscapes and towering structures that glittered under an alien sun, and dwelling among those crystals were beings that defied description.  

       On December 1, 2120, the day when the experimental embryo had matured enough to birth from the synthetic womb, and the lab staff gathered around the tiny creature they had created, this new life, opened his ocean blue eyes for the first time.  Not tears or screams, only joyous laughter and smiles.

        It was the moment that the staff knew they would never terminate the project.

        They named him using a mishmash of the Eyptian word for “sarcophagus” and a respectable Spanish name…for “Ladies’ Man.”  

        Thus began Zucca’s first year of life out of countless years.

        The other ninety-nine pre-embryos were kept in stasis while the hybrid infant grew to maturity.  The CEO of the lab company had taken a deep fondness for the child and became the prominent father figure in his life while the lab staff became like aunts and uncles.  He grew, often sneaking out into the streets to wander the desert, explore, swim in the Nile, or walk among the humans.  People who interacted with him would act surprised when they were asked why they didn’t react to such a strange creature walking about, but they insisted he looked pretty normal to them.  The boy had been using what the science team determined were potent psionic powers to influence others so they would not be alarmed.  His good nature kept him from more nefarious and dangerous uses of that power.

       All was well until the day the Alpha Centauri invaded Earth.

       They had developed faster-than-light travel and had set their eyes on Earth for its resources and its territory.  These were not the mysterious aliens behind Zucca’s origins; these were similar to humans: easy to understand, easy to fight.  

        All resources on Earth were called upon to resist this invasion, and Prometheus Labs were no exception.  The militaries learned of Zucca’s ability to influence minds and saw a silver bullet for the campaign against the invaders.  They took the fourteen-year-old child, training him in the art of war as well infantry tactics and the most effective martial arts.  They also extensively conditioned him, breaking down and instilling in his mind certain rules: Always protect humanity, always do as humanity asks, and so on.

          As labs reverse-engineered captured Centauri starships to unlock the secrets of interstellar travel, the training and conditioning carried on.  He soaked in the information like a sponge, and soon Earth’s finest generals found themselves being upstaged as the hybrid studied battle reports and drew upon the minds of all strategists to create composite tactics.  Under his leadership, both in the trenches and behind the curtain, the forces of Earth rapidly overwhelmed Centauri’s defenses; it was as if he knew where the Centauri would be before they did.  Zucca stayed the Terrans’ hand after crippling the Centauri combat infrastructure, recalling their forces under that belief that they knew better than to attack again.

        Not long after his victorious return, a twenty-two-year-old Zucca was approached by one of the lab techs who had raised him.  She had an impossible task for him.  Something he could not do.  Something that contradicted his entire mental conditioning. 

        She wanted him to kill.

        He couldn’t.  But she was asking it of him.  He had a mental breakdown, and, enraged, she attacked him.  His training kicked in, and before he knew what he was doing, she lay dead at his feet.

         And just like that, Earth’s favorite hero had become a murderer.

         Knowing they could do little to stop such a powerful psychic, humanity did they only thing it could: it banished him.  He took a single starship and, in his grief, unlocked a new ability: his ability to travel between dimensions!  Thus began his endless journey.  

         When he was sixty, he realized his body was not aging at all.  However, on account of the patchwork nature of this genetic structure, native medicine rarely heals him well, and his wounds are long-lasting.

        On a world with a psychic dampening field, his life took a dramatic turn when he imposed himself between a disgruntled factory worker with a monstrous gun and those he was holding hostage.  The worker first blew his lower legs off when he fired with the intent to kneecap the hybrid.  Zucaa continued to plead for the lives of the hostages while holding himself upright with his arms.  That cost him his left arm.  His silvery blood spread across the ground as he lifted his head, begging now…not for his own life, as the military conditioning still solely dictated his actions.  He found himself staring into the barrel of the weapon and, after a bright flash, found himself standing on a beach as a woman in a black dress offered her hand informing him that he had met his demise.  Unwilling to accept that fate, he asked if there was some alternative and he was told survival could be attained if he could beat her, Death, in a game.

       Meanwhile, the friends who had traveled with Zucca at the time had slain the worker, saved the hostages, and were desperately working to restart Zucca’s heart.  He won the game, returned to his body, and his friends realized that while alive, he had suffered severe trauma and massive brain damage.  One of his friends, a living machine, engineered prosthetics for him that could disguise themselves as normal skin and fur.  While his limbs had been more or less replaced, the brain damage was another challenge entirely.  He had regressed mentally, forgetting how to perform basic tasks, and he had lost a massive amount of motor control.  

       Weeks became months, months became years, and years paved away as physical and neurological therapy restored speech, locomotion, and motor skills.  He had lost massive amounts of memory, and his friends found he had a completely different personality.

       What’s worse…they found they liked this new Zucca more.

       He was warm and kind, gentle in touch and in word, where before he was a true soldier’s soldier, single-mindedly dedicated to the conditioning that had been inflicted on him.  

        Freed from that, he was no longer forced to help people.

        Now, he simply wanted to do it for its own sake, content to walk in the shadows in nudge people receptive to change towards helping themselves out of their problems.  Zucca’s travels saw his gathering many friends over his long years, but one that stood out was Grim, whom he considered a brother until Grim lost his wife and, unable to reconcile the loss, sold his soul, became a demon, and usurped that dimension’s neck of Hell.  Unsatisfied, he turned his rage on Zucca, destroying the hybrid’s first worldship and all the dimensional refugees living aboard.  It was from this interaction that Zucca gained his cold demeanor where beings demonic are concerned.  

        He met others, including iterations of Aries Passadar, the Tengu Vi, and even the god Hextor…

         He is never alone, his mind bearing the sum total souls and minds of the psionic, lithoid race that sired his alien side and, as such, his mind is a lattice of trillions of half-asleep minds contributing to the function of the overall whole.  This manifests as a combination of uncanny intuition, empathy, and insight that akin to a non-linear computer that process information.  Just the same, he’s never alone.

        By the time Zucca had his 100,000th birthday, it occurred to him that he may simply not be mortal.  Fallible, capable of error, able to be wounded and die, sure, but essentially ageless.  He found the idea as hopeful as it was unsettling and wandered in a century-long fugue state, deep in thought all the while as his body simply walked, slept, ate, and breathed.  “What am I supposed to do with ostensible immortality?” he asked himself.  “Why, travel!  Explore!  Help people who need it!  The best things in life!

       ‘But to live so long…we’ve outlived so many friends, wives, husbands, loved ones, found-family.

        ‘Indeed, but we remember them all, don’t we?  And in so doing, preserve that memory                                                                 forever!”

         So he traveled, explored, rended aid, and continued to find love where he could.  Lacking the means to house people who had nowhere to go, or whose native dimensions were collapsing, Zucca began his most grandiose project yet.  His crystalline starship, the Cryok, was capable of housing a theoretical volume akin to a solar system, but that was not sufficient.  He traveled to numerous dimensions, gathering species capable of the engineering feat he had in mind and captured a star withing the Cryok.  Having total dominion over gravity within the vessel, the star would always maintain a relative position. 

      For fifteen-thousand years, the construction ensued, building massive continents, vast oceans, with all if etched across a surface of roughly 1,600,000,000,000,000 square kilometers, encompassing a wide range of biomes and housing millions of trillions without their being within a lifetime’s walk of each other.  This would do.

      And unlike the Primus Nastruum Navis, this vessel would not succumb to demonic incursin.  With someplace safe for people to live as well as a proverbial place to hang his hat while on the go, he traveled between dimensions, mostly just following his whims.  In one such dimension The Cryok needed a year to vent certain built-up radiation.  These were harmless to everyone else but him, so he was forced to leave the ship and go planet-side.  He had taken to sleeping on park benches until he got the lay of the land, but, alas, he was arrested for vagrancy.

        Cordial, he was cheerful and thanked the police for giving him a roof, a cot, and a hot meal.  And it was then there that he met Doc Mallory, forming a lasting friendhip.  Mallory became one of the “special ones” whom Zucca would invite on his journeys.

        The day Zucca showed up at Doc Mal’s house with a black vixen in tow, the ferret knew that things had changed.  Che could see a shift in demeanor in the old man; his cheer was annoying infectious.

         “We’re pregnant!” Zucca announced.

         Poor bastard, Mallory thought.  Did he forget he’s sterile and shooting blanks?

         “Nope!  The children on their way are of my own stock!  I’m going to be a biological father for the first time!”

          “I don’t cheat on my men,” Raven interjected.

           Doc Mal stared into space for a few moments as the gravity of that statement hit him.  “Zucca…you old Spanich peacock…that’s….I’m just…bloody fuckin’ hell….Congratulations!

           It would be some time before Zucca introduced Mal to his children, but growing up they had always regarded him as an uncle.  





Deeply Compassionate: When he is able to clearly hear surface thoughts, he can come off as downright empathic and is always cordial to the needs of whomever he is around.

Untold Millennia of Experience: Having been alive for hundreds of thousands of years, Zucca has a broad spectrum of experience to draw upon to solve problems.  His friends have com to dread when every he says, “This is a new one on me!”

Powerful Psychic: Though Zucca’s abilities were dampened when he took a bullet to the head, they were not fully extinguished.  He is capable of many astonishing feats, from creating air crystals of interchangeable density to fogging the memory of others to telekinetically aided strength.

Calm: Zucca is rarely rattled, and that calm becomes a real rock for friends to hold onto in tumultuous times.  

Dilated Sense of Time: Zucca is able to perceive the past, present and future at the same time, but due to Observer Effect, the future is constantly changing.  This makes it almost impossible to sneak up on or surprise him, but given its unreliability and the length of time he can envision changes all the time, it is not unheard of, especially if he is too focused on one thing to pay attention to certain details.

Hive Mind: Zucca’s soul an dhis mind is a gestalt of the psychic essence of the long dead alien race that sired him.  Each Lithoid spirit functions much like a brain cell, and this was deeply suppressed before his head injury.  Afterwards, his true nature as able to reassert itself, though the individual spirits mourn the loss of the voices no longer there after the brain wound.

Mentor: Zucca rarely feels the need to step up to the role of hero, though he will do it without hesitation when he feels otherwise.  He prefers to advise, guide, and nurture others along their highest and best paths, viewing himself as a soldier against apathy and entropy.

Cybernetic Prosthesis: Zucca’s prosthesis, which can look like normal limbs if he wishes, are packed with useful technology.  His legs can transform into jets which allow him to hover and fly.  They also increase his land speed significantly.  The flight can last four hours before he has to land and let their atmospheric power generators recharge.  His arm is equipped with a magnetic fusion cannon which he rarely sets above stun, and his hand conceals a multitude of useful gadgets, from lighters to corkscrews to skeleton keys to arc-welders.  His artificial eye is capable of vision in multiple spectra, including infrared, ultraviolet, and radio oscillation.

- Resilience in Space: Zucca is capable of surviving the vacuum of space for up to twenty-six hours, after which time he’ll slip into a comatose state until returned to atmosphere.

The Cryok: His crystalline starship, containing a pocket dimension, is nimble and swift, controlled by thought alone and contains a Dyson Ring inside with a multitude of biomes,  He will rarely go hungry.





Scatterbrained: With his perception of time so broad, it is sometimes hard for him to bring his attention to the here and now.  Another side effect of this alien perception of time is that he will often come off as gaslighting, referring to conversations or interactions that were never or had not yet occurred.

Migraines: Overuse of his psychic abilities begins to give him sever headaches, and the stronger the power, the more pronounced the effect.  He can hold off the pain but this also makes it worse when it is finally time to pay the piper.  He has been known to collapse in a twitching, whimpering heap if not outright seizures after a particularly powerful display.

Limitations of Psychic Powers: Zucca’s mental powers naturally have no effect on non-organics, and can be useless against particularly strong-willed or intellectually rigorous individuals such as for example, well-catechized members of the Church of Revenance.

Average Strength: While physically fit, Zucca is no stronger nor more enduring than a typical soldier.  He often supplements his strength with his psionics, and his alien physiology makes for odd mealtimes habits, such as his seeming immunity to hot sauce.

Slow Healing: If injured, Zucca takes a very long time to heal.  His overengineered genetic code while it suffers nothing from radiation or the effects of age, causes this.  If he breaks a bone, it will stay broken for a whole season, if not longer.

Wanderer: Zucca is not prone to staying in one place for long.  Either because he fears those who pursue him across the multiverse catching his tail or the mere fact that he has a nomadic streak, he might leave unless something compels him to stay.

Reliance on Prosthesis: While shielded against electromagnetic interference, concentrated bursts from weapons meant to disrupt machines can make them cease to function, leaving him virtually helpless.   

Extremely Toxic Blood: His blood contains traces of heavy metals and silicate.  While not deadly to the touch, it is if it gets into any openings.















Combat Skills 




-Bio by Zucca

-Image 1 by fcsimba

-Image 2 by Eggplantm

-Image 3 by kibaandme

-Image 4 by PMDragonGirl

-Image 5 by Pyrodox

-Image 6 by Belise7

-Image 7 by Sherharon

-Image 8 by Pyrodox

-Grid Average: 3

Saturday, September 10, 2022


Legal Name: N/A

Aliases: Jaqueline Michelle Lelantos (formerly)

Sex: N/A (female programming)

Species: N/A (robot)

Age: 30 (mentally 41)

Place of Birth: Lelantos Labs, Planet Lethe

Legal Status: Property of Auris Lelantos

Occupation: Tactician, Diplomat

Allegiance: Auris Lelantos

Height: 3’6” (current form, no legs), 4’6” (formerly)

Weight: 200 lbs. 

Sexuality: N/A

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Auris Lelantos (designer, “father”)

Vehicles of Choice: The Tourmaline

Weapons of Choice: Laser pistol

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: TBD



         Tragedy struck when the Jaqueline Lelantos, daughter of robotics pioneer Auris Lelantos, died at the age of eleven.  Unable to cope with the loss, Lelantos, using his unparalleled mastery of artificial intelligence, created an android copy of his daughter, programming it with her emotional responses and affinities.  It was a massive undertaking, taking years of trial runs to achieve genuinely sapient, self-awareness in a robot.  In addition to his own records, Lelantos sought out any of his daughter’s acquaintances, prompting them to give him as much information on her as possible, unaware of the true purpose of their interviews.  In order to simulate the realism of his daughter further, he conducted these interviews blind so that the android would possess memories that she could reveal to him.  As a result, he was unable to refine this data into simulated experiences, causing some level of confusion for the AI.  

       For approximately five years, “Jaqueline” was, as far as she knew, a young girl, and her “father” was satisfied.  However, her inability to mature temperamentally forced him to face the reality that she was not his daughter, only a simulation.  Dissatisfied, he redesigned her, giving her a new body and modifying her personality so as to possess adult-level intelligence and emotionality, as well as knowledge of her origin.  Modeled after a Rathi jackal, the newly christened robot still possessed the simulated memories of Jaqueline Lelantos, presumably to maintain her loyalty.

       As the primary enforcer of Lelantos Robotics, JAQ/L is an extremely thorough administrator, handling many of the company’s business matters, as well as negotiating its off-planet interests.  Having secluded himself to the mysterious planet Lethe, Auris’ agenda is increasingly mysterious, but one thing is certain: he is extremely wary of any other entity attaining anywhere near the AI technology he has developed.  As such, he dispatches JAQ/L to ensure that LR maintains its hegemony in its commercial field, sometimes using violence.  She is known to be calculating, patient, and cold-blooded/aggressive when necessary.  Because JAQ/L’s actions are unofficial, Lelantos Robotics conveniently maintains its legal interests. Rumors abound that there may be more…militaristic parts of the corporation’s agenda.  Anyway, few of bold enough to venture onto the highly guarded planet of Lethe. 

        Despite her cold demeanor, JAQ/L’s memories cause her to have a bit of an identity crisis.  She’s motivated to understand her past further by researching the life of the real Jaqueline Lelantos, and, unbeknownst her master, has once tracked down the ruined remains of her former body for contemplation in her private chambers.  She questions and tests the programmed impulses form her personality, sometimes even exaggerating the more superficial traits.  For example, Jaqueline’s favorite color was blue, and therefore JAQ/L is obsessed with it, quantifying its shades and making it a consistent motif in her form and accessories. Possibly because of this, she found herself quite attracted to Pyrodox, the closest she has come to physical attraction, an attraction further reinforced by their both being tactically minded.  Nostalgic for her “father’s” affection, JAQ/L is highly motivated to please him, although he purposefully distances himself from her and they have never met face to face in years.  JAQ/L is aware of this as a potential manipulation tactic/coping mechanism, and she is not above having her own side projects despite her loyalty. 

        JAQ/L remains one of our heroes’ most mysterious, cunning and dangerous foes, and few can guess when she’ll strike next.  





Expert Tactician: JAQ/L is extremely cunning and creative as the paramilitary leader of Lelantos Robotics.  Her computerized brain has encyclopedic knowledge of strategy, and can calculate factors quickly.

Expert Diplomat: Well-versed in sapient behavior as well as business practices, JAQ/L can negotiate deals very well.  She can read people well and calculate the exact method needed.  She is also aggressive when she needs to be.

Patient: JAQ/L is cool-minded and almost emotionless, which helps her make long-range decisions.

Cold-Blooded: She has little qualms about doing what she feels is effective in reaching her goals.

Curious: Her identity crises has motivated her to find novel ways to get the job done.  She is eager to understand her foes.

Eloquent: JAQ/L is witty and an expert conversationalist.  Her mathematical skills have made her an accomplished poet.

Artistic: Has shown to be a competent painter.

- Decent Marksman





- Doubtful: She can be manipulated by people who know of her identity crisis.

- Paternal Issues: Her relationship with her “father” limits her independence, and this is taken advantage by him.  

- Anti-Social: Despite her eagerness to converse with and learn about people, they find her coldness off-putting, and her lack of genuine loyalty toward them is reciprocated.  As such, she finds it hard to trust others she can depend on.  Not that she cares.  Then again, the only person who seems to have ever enjoyed her company is the fearless fellow artist Sorova.

- Depressed: Her identity issues cause this, which can very occasionally cause her to lose her temper.

- Weak Combatant: She is not designed for direct combat.

- Coward: Understandable considering her lack of combat skills and hight self-preservation instinct.
















Combat Skills






Bio and Images by Pyrodox

Grid Average: 2.7

When frustrated, her eyes have a tendency to have the same effect as this monitor when activated.