Saturday, January 20, 2024

Montague Moniqual

Legal Name: Montague Moniqual

Aliases: Magnificent Monty, The Spymaster

Species: Rathi (snake)

Age: 53 (+ 27 dilated)

Place of Birth: Unknown

Legal Status: Member, Church of Revenance (deceased)

Occupation: Spy, Bounty Hunter, Minister of the Church

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Married

Length: 17’

Weight: 500 lb.

Known Relatives: Monique Moniqual (wife, deceased), Sorova Roussimoff (daughter), Pyrodox (godson)

Vehicles of Choice: N/A, Various

Weapons of Choice: Silenced Pistol, Knives, His Coils, Venom

Creator: Pyrodox

Voiceclaim: Timothy Dalton



      Even though he was famous for his skills as a bounty hunter and saboteur, few knew that gentleman spy Montague Moniqual was a loyal agent of the Church of Revenance.  As a Minister of the Church, it was his duty to infiltrate the Galaxy at large to sow the seeds of expansion.  At the age of 45, he would meet a wayward young dragon who still adjusting to his newfound life as a hunter, someone who was on a quest to find himself.  He sensed the neophyte's disillusionment with mainstream society as well as his strong faith and desire for the truth.  Wynfrith Gionachbalg would soon become his greatest apprentice, and one of the most feared figures in the Galaxy. 

      Montague became like a second father to the Pyrodox, balancing his firm training with charisma and supportive nature. For six years he taught the young dragon the finer points of espionage, combat, and military strategy while introducing him to the Church.  When Pyrodox had become a competent minister in his own right, Montague answered the call of duty by going on a mission to the obscure reaches of space to spread the Church's interests.  

      It was a poignant separation for the two, as Montague would be gone for an unknown period of time. When he had finally returned, Pyrodox had developed his skill and notoriety to match and arguably exceed that of his mentor over the course of 27 years.  In the mere two years that had passed for Montague, he fell in love with a kind-hearted, if somewhat ditzy, young rattlesnake named Monique Hochet.  They married during the journey and returned bearing something that Pyrodox, on some level, had always wanted: a baby sister

      Pyrodox instantly took a shine to the infant, but unfortunately Sorova would never come to know her parents, as they had died together on a seemingly safe mission, and she was placed under the direct care of the Cenobites.  In spite of his usually solitary nature, Pyrodox remained a doting brother to Sorova, teaching her much about the fond memories he had Montague.  

       Montague was a charismatic and friendly man who was very well-cultured.  While no singer, he was an avid follower of the opera, something which inspired Sorova to excel at.  She may have lacked his cunning, but she was also determined to follow in his footsteps as a combatant, which she surpassed him on.  In many ways, however, she is so much more like her mother.  His patience as a mentor contributes to Pydrox's ambivalence toward Zucca Xerfantes, who reminds the dragon more of Montague than he cares to admit.






- Cunning: Montague was a very resourceful and a good tactician.

- Stealthy: He was extremely good at keeping himself hidden.

- Charismatic: Montague was very persuasive, and this made him a great saboteur and double agent. However, he could also use this skill to lead people he cared about to the truth and bring out the best in them.

- Combat Skills: He was a good marksman, fighter, and weapons expert.

- Sensitive: Able to empathize well with people and bond with them.

- Honorable: Despite his nature as a spy, he had a strong moral code.

- Cultured: An avid appreciator of opera and poetry, which was an inspiration to Sorova.




- Workaholic: Montague’s work required to him to be traveling a lot, and as a result he was absent from the people he cared about, like Pyrodox and Sorova.











Combat Skills


Bio by Pyrodox

Image 1 by Pyrodox

Power Grid Average: 3

Friday, January 19, 2024

Adrienne Almaric

Legal Name: Lady Adrienne Alnaric (nee Requinne)
Sex: Female
Species: Rathi (shark)
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Chateau Requinne
Legal Status: Head of House Requinne, Lady of House Alequinne
Allegiance: Alequinne, Crown of Volencia, Her People
Height: 6'
Weight: 255 lbs.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Rene Alequinne (husband), Fleur Alequinne (daughter), Alphonse Requinne (father), Cosette Requinne (mother, deceased) 
Vehicles of Choice: Chasseuse-Class Flagship Faisant, Various Nobility Transports
Weapons of Choice: Custom Laser Pistol, Fencing Sword, Recreational Gravity Pistol
Creator: Pyrodox
Voiceclaim: Jeri Ryan (possibly with French accent)

        A creature of duty, Adrienne Requinne Almaric was raised to serve her family. For years, the Houses Requinne and Almaric had fought bloody wars over territorial and economic disputes.  The carnage had become so serious and insoluble that the Volencian Crown ordered a political marriage in order to put rest to the conflict.  It may have been the very reason why Adrienne was conceived in the first place.  At a very early age, she had been betrothed to Rene Almaric, but she had found herself strangely drawn to their peer and mutual playmate: Elizabeth De La Vega.
       Foreshadowing future trends, Adrienne resisted the temptation to express her feelings toward her best friend, while Rene had no qualms about playfully flirting with the blue wolf girl.  This naturally irritated Adrienne on more than one level, and stoked her frank and somewhat bossy nature.  
       Her heart was broken by the massacre of the De La Vega family.  Distraught and confused by the loss of the girl whom she secretly loved, she disappeared for a short period of time, eventually returning as abruptly as she had left. The Adrienne that had come back was far more determined and stoic, ready to accept to the marriage she had dreaded for so long. Nobody knows where she went or what she did, and she refuses to discuss the matter with anyone. After all, when the alternative is rivers of blood flowing down the streets of your country, one could tolerate an unhappy marriage.
       The subsequent death of her mother, a kind and gentle woman, left with a callously political father. She often fears that her difficulty bonding with her own child comes from her own similarities with him,  and it hurts even more so because of how much Fleur reminds her of her Cosette. 
       Despite her training in diplomacy, Adrienne was never particularly social or extroverted, and her charismatic husband became far more popular with the masses. This dynamic unfortunately led to his womanizing. Adrienne worked diligently to hide the evidence from the wrath of her father in order to maintain peace, but despite this and her husband's lackadaisical attitude toward the Union, Rene continued to be popular than she was.  Her cold-blooded demeanor alienated the masses, and she was perceived as uncaring when in reality she was the one who truly cared for the people under both houses.  It did not help that many who heard the rumors sympathized with Rene due to Adrienne's alleged sexuality...
       Adrienne could care less.  This was the duty she had sworn to uphold.   
       The one source of joy from her marriage was the birth of her daughter Fleur.  The first time Adrienne held the small child in her arms, she understood all the wonder, all the love, all the terror of parenthood. All the millions of such moments by the millions of people in her realm, she felt that now.  If she had already committed herself to Peace, she was now more passionate than ever before to protect her people from war.  
       Fleur became a microcosm for this sense of duty, although Rene's affection for the child improved Adrienne's opinion of him.  Allowing herself to take this for granted, she remained in her comfort zone and played the role of a stern parent. Despite her training the child in the formalities she was brought up in, Adrienne deeply loved Fleur, more so than Rene did, and worked to make sure that she would have a far better happier marriage. Whatever tolerance she had for Rene was shattered when news of his affairs reached the child when she was a teenager.  Not only did he risk war, he also traumatized their daughter.  

      You know what really pisses me off, Rene?  What really makes me hate you 
      for this?  If there was anything, anything, that I loved about you, it-it was 
      You were the one that knew how to make her laugh.
            - Adrienne, to her husband 

      Adrienne continues to run her house, with the comfort of knowing that her daughter is at least more sympathetic to her now.  She feels conflicted over Fleur's newfound dedication to the Alequinne agenda, as it was something circumstanced cornered the girl into.  Still, she trains her to survive.  She has consolidated power for House Alequinne and her cunning and statecraft have made her begrudging competitor to the likes of Nihla Rhinehart, though their mutual respect is reinforced by their cooperation in hunting down and destroying the Kalak Cha. 
       Adrienne has helped the Crown of Volencia expand interests outside of its home system.  Such actions may be related to her unspoken suspicions concerning a certain blue-furred wolf...


- Statecraft: Adrienne's natural cunning and noble training has made her an expert at Machiavellian maneuvers, and has given her the ability to predict plots against her and consolidate power for House Aliquenne
- Loyal: She is dedicated to the interests of her House and the safety of her people.
- Strong Sense of Duty: Adrienne has endured an unhappy marriage and a low approval rating for the common good.
- Competent Strategist: Her training has given her familiarity with military tactics, although her formal nature can make her predictable on the field. Fortunately, she knows to defer to her generals because...
- Aware of Limits: Adrienne knows when to back off, and she has been hard to bring down partially due her risk assessment.
- Aggressive: She is cold-blooded, brutal, and efficient when she has to be.
- Witty: Well-versed and has a sharp wit.
- Decent Fighting Skills: While no soldier, she is a noblewoman, so she has some training in sparring and is a decent marksman.


- Unpersonable: Adrienne is cold aloof in the best of times, though she can occasionally show tenderness.  This makes it hard to get people on her side, and she even has trouble bonding with loved ones.  She is secretly shy about sharing her feelings.
- Scrupulosity: Adrienne often feels guilty for things that are not her fault.
- Unstable: Despite being stoical most of the time, her suppressed anger can strike during inopportune times.  It can also get the better of her judgment.  Zucca has joked that if not for her marital status, she'd be a great match for Pyrodox. 
- Single-Minded - Adrienne can be obsessive to the point of tunnel vision.  It can be difficult to other factors for her at times.











Combat Skills


Bio by Pyrodox
Image 1 by Pyrodox
Grid Average: 2.5

Sunday, January 14, 2024


- by Zucca

     Doc regarded the interior of the bunker with awe.
     To call it a bunker was a real misnomer... Kolo had established a top to bottom, multi-floor, expansive, top-shelf survival complex, complete with geothermal power plant, water filtration system, sleeping quarters with real beds and not just bunks, screens that functioned like windows, sounds of nature, huge storerooms filled with food and water, and even a damned swimming pool.
     "I uh... I don't believe I've ever seen a setup quite like this before, Kolo." Doc said as the large, white Puma-Naja grinned, slithering along beside Doc, flipping his red hair over his hood and ears.
     "Yup. I've got the place set up to accommodate 60 people comfortably and 80 if we're real friendly." Kolo said with pride as they reached the Commons Room. 
     "But... why? This place is amazing, but... I don't get why you'd need to live like the world's gonna end." Doc said as he scratched the back of his head. This manner of living was very different than    Zucca's freespirited, skate-along optimism. This was unrestrained pragmatism. 
      "I'll tell you why, Doc..." Kolo said as he poured a glass of wine for both of them as the huge screen lining the Commons wall showed a peaceful, breezy field in spite of their being fifty feet below the surface of the earth. "... it's because crisis is guaranteed. The Hellgate incidents, both of them? The bombing of Riverport Harbor? The economic crash of '19 because of Magnar's plague? And all of that in just two decades, if you don't count Riverport Harbor. Meanwhile, everyone I care about has a space here if they want, and it's comfortable living during any given crisis event."
     Doc sipped the wine after giving his glass a twirl. Zucca had imparted on him an appreciation for real, good wine and not the boxed crap he'd used once upon a time to get drunk quick and cheap. This was a '22 Chardonnay, aged in stainless steel, giving it a crisp, refreshing note, easily an aesthetic match for the survival shelter.
     "That's a little fatalistic, don't you think?" Doc proferred, though his tone suggested he really didn't believe that and was more speaking to the everyman's take.
      Kolo smiled, sipping his own wine. "Ahh, it's fatalistic to allow crisis to occur without preparation! If nothing bad ever happened in the world ever again, I still have a great place to live."
      "Now that's optimism I can well and truly get behind." Doc raised his glass.
      "To pragmatic optimism." Kolo cheered, and the men finished their wine while admiring the simulated breeze on the simulated wheat field.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Kristie Sparks

Legal Name: Kristine Cloudstride Sparks
Aliases: Doctor Sparks, “LoreTech Stan”
Sex: Female
Species: Rathi (fox)
Age: 26 (as of Aries' 30th birthday)
Place of Birth: Sapphire Hills, House Scantillian Territory
Legal Status: Good standing with all Crown Institutions and Constabularies
Occupation: Mercenary, Multi-school Scientist, Mechanical Engineer
Allegiance: The Mercenary's Guild, Crown of Volencia, Guild Squad Sigma-02, Her Father
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 165lbs.
Sexuality: Heterosexual (bi-curious)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Professor Doctor David Sparks (father, comatose), Doctor Lily Sparks (mother, deceased), Numerous Extended Family
Vehicles of Choice: APC, Moped (Lone Candle); Modified Tarsus Shuttle The Bumblebee, Secondhand Hoverbike (Argonaut Privateers); Solar-Powered Van (Azeria).
Weapons of Choice:  Dralthi & Hrekka Arms 150-Series Automatic Pistol,  Gemmings-15 Curved Shortsword, LoreTech 'Pen' Capable of Temporarily Altering the Color of Any Surface It Touches (Lone Candle, Azeria); Mercenary's Guild Support Variant Silksteel Suit with Utility Belt, Her Mind (Lone Candle); Phase Disruptor Pistol, Custom Engineer Support Armor, LoreTech Pen, LoreTech Cube. (Argonaut Privateers); Mercenary's Guild Support Variant Silksteel Suit with SPEAR Modifications and Upgrades (Azeria)
Creator: James Starrunner
Voiceclaim: Allie Hillis

       Born to the illustrious household of the famous Doctor Sparks, a scientist of unparalleled talent who was researching a cure for the flesh-eating plague that had killed his wife, Doctor Lily Sparks, Kristie joined the guild out of desperation when a botched assassination attempt was made on his life. Their mansion was half-destroyed and he was left in a comatose state. Legal entanglements bogged the Sparks family down and they lost most of their fortune with the life-saving surgery that kept Doctor Sparks alive. To pay for long-term treatment, Kristie joined the Mercenary's Guild and was quickly befriended by Aries Passadar, who, as a veteran of the Guild at the time, took the girl under her wing. Kristie is singularly gifted with a knack for the ancient technology known as LoreTech and has collected a small collection of it, working to uncover its secrets. 
       Kristie is generally averse to violence, preferring to talk her way out of problems and reason with her intellect, but there are certain things that will flip a switch and turn her into a cold and methodical killer. First and foremost is anyone associated with the Kalach-Cha. She has never forgiven them, nor will she ever, for what they did to her family. Second, Aries exposed her to the seedy underbelly of the world and made her see things the way she did. Kristie began to share Aries' hatred for anyone who harms children, but her attacks are dispassionate, cold and efficient, while Aries savors every second of shaming and inflicting pain on child abusers.
       Kristie is generally quite shy, being atypical of the 'unsociable scientist', but Aries helped her come out of her shell and she doesn't freeze and tense up whenever someone says 'Hello' anymore.

Bio by Zucca
Character Owned by James Starrunner (NSFW)
Image 1 by Pyrodox
Image 2 by egardn4
Image 3 by Tacticalfur (NSFW)


LEGAL NAME: Rebecca Renée Mallory
ALIASES: Squire, Pinpoint, “The Galaxy's Greatest Marksman”, Becky, Bex, 5Q1RE
SEX: Female
SPECIES: Fa'tik Anthroid (brown raccoon)
AGE: 68 (time dilation), 27 (physically)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Unknown Fa'tik Genetics Facility
LEGAL STATUS: Resident: Pinpoint Ranch, Pandennsa, Spira 
OCCUPATION: Rancher, Mercenary, Galactic Adventurer (semi-retired)
ALLEGIANCE: Volencian Mercenary Guild, The Marvelous Mallories (formerly), Argonaut Privateers, Xerfantes Family
HEIGHT:  6'0”
WEIGHT: 220lbs
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
KNOWN RELATIVES: Doc Mallory (adoptive father), Zucca Xerfantes (godfather), Mallory Mallory (grandmother), Edvin Mallory (grandfather), Margo Mallory (aunt), Morgan Mallory (aunt), Mira Mallory (aunt), Mirko Mallory (uncle), LADY (chimeric sister)
VEHICLE OF CHOICE: Various Trucks, Airships, and Combat Vehicles, The Argo, The Cryok
WEAPONS OF CHOICE: Multitudinous Firearms, Improvised Thrown Weaponry, OmniScan
CREATOR:  Groveclearer
VOICECLAIM: Lauren Bacall 

       Rebecca  Renée Mallory was, as far as she knew, born sometime in the fall of 1999 and swiftly adopted by Andrew “Doc” Mallory of Mallory's Tailor Shop located in Niigata, Japan. Becky was a playful, precocious child who loved coloring, trains, and visits from her various uncles, especially her Uncle Zook; he always brought the best gifts. Most of all she loved her father. His parenting was strict but loving.  Morning stretches at six, bedtime prayers at eight, Holy Mass every Sunday. It wasn't until she attended her first year of private school at age nine that she realized she was different from her peers. Most of them couldn't speak English fluently, let alone Mandarin or Russian. Then there were the physical attributes – she was a head taller than the tallest of them and they were impressed by motor functions she'd mastered ages ago, such as tightrope walking and standing meter high vertical leaps. When asked about it, her father chalked it down to differences between his homeschooling techniques and what the public system offered.

       As she approached her teenage years, Becky became more critical of her father, feeling he was hiding something from her regarding her origins. Whenever pressed on it he would deflect, stating that either it wasn't important or she wasn't ready for it. Naturally, these mixed signals only made her push back harder until eventually he relented. One morning he and her Uncle Zook took her aside and explained to her that she wasn't born in Japan; in fact she wasn't from Earth at all. They'd discovered her and dozens of infants like her aboard a science ship operated by the infamous Fa'tik Empire. (Specifically she was designated a 5th Generation Quadrant-1 Reconnaissance Elite - a 5Q1RE.) Doc had taken a shine to her and raised her as his own while the remainder of the children had been distributed to various families aboard The Cryok. Speaking of which... her Uncle Zook was none other than Zucca Xerfantes, an apparently immortal cyborg alien hybrid from another dimension who could read minds and had a starship the size of a small solar system. 

       It was all a bit much for her to take in at once.

       One quick tour of The Cryok later and it was still a bit much but was easier to digest.

       For about two years everything was golden. Whenever she got good grades, which was often, she got to spend a week vacationing aboard The Cryok, venturing around its seemingly limitless biomes and meeting peoples and creatures she'd thought only existed in fantasy. With the air cleared between them, her father began instructing her in some of the more outlandish skills he'd picked up during his centuries of life (for, as Becky found out quickly, time seemed to crawl to a standstill on Earth while they were aboard the ship; a nifty bit of dimensional relativity she didn't fully understand). She quickly met or surpassed him in the physical arts, much to his surprise. If it wasn't already evident that she'd been genetically enhanced as an infant, it sure was by the time the teenage girl started keeping up with a workout routine designed to push a full grown athletic man to his limits.
       Then, on Christmas Eve of 2012, everything changed. Her father simply vanished without a trace. She begged Zucca to find him, which he naturally agreed to without any persuasion, and days ticked by before it became obvious to her he'd befallen the same fate. With authorities baffled as to what had happened to her legal guardian, Becky was delivered across the seas to live with her estranged extended family in rural Ireland. It was the first time she'd ever met her grandmother, grandfather, and three college-age aunts and uncle. For the next four years she'd live with them on their ranch / doctor's office / wrestling training compound, not knowing if she'd ever see her father or board the Cryok ever again.
       Despite some initial awkwardness – adapting to both local customs and her family's proclivity towards loud and elaborate profanity – she bonded perfectly well with them. Turns out her grandfather was roughly the same age as her father and her aunts and uncle were far closer to her in age than she'd have ever guessed. However, Becky (who now insisted upon being called Rebecca) very quickly discovered one of the primary reasons why her father had never mentioned his extended family to her or had much of any contact with them during her lifetime: in addition to being a family of carny grifters they were also none other than the Marvelous Mallories, Ireland's foremost superhero team.
       In a move of teenage defiance that would have massively peeved off her father, Rebecca dyed half of her hair blonde in memory of her missing godfather and joined the group under the alias Pinpoint: The World's Greatest Marksman; at least she had the common sense to wear a mask, unlike her aunts. For nearly four years she toured all over the United Kingdom and Europe as part of the most marketed hero troupe in the hemisphere. It was during this time she learned than none other than Wendell Allen Roussimoff, former CEO of MANNA and current BBC guest business panelist, was behind the disappearance of her father and uncle. She naturally attempted to kill him in revenge. This attempt was thankfully(?) foiled by Wendell's estranged wife, Sorova Roussimoff, who was unknowingly a highly trained assassin of the Church of Revenance. Rebecca sustained the most hellacious beating of her life in the process, only being spared from death when a shocked Sorova unmasked her to reveal a very emotionally fraught teenage girl. The two have been adversaries ever since, albeit the rivalry is fairly one-sided, with Rebecca being the frequent aggressor.
       Doc Mallory and Zucca Xerfantes returned to Earth on Christmas Day of 2016, exactly four years following their initial disappearance. It turned out the pair of them had been tricked into a time dilation pocket wherein one year passed on Earth for every one minute inside. After the initial tearful reunion took place, it became evident that problems between Doc and his family would persist. He had no intention of leaving his daughter with them and intended to move back to Japan as if none of this had ever happened. After a forced stay of several months (during which Doc had all of his legal statuses restored from DECEASED to ALIVE) and hours of argumentation (some of which physical) her father finally caved and agreed to let her finish up her last year of school in Ireland. Though he still vociferously disagreed with her decision to become a vigilante hero. This seeming hypocrisy would drive a wedge between Rebecca and her father.
       Eventually the Marvelous Mallories boarded The Cryok and became recurring visitors to the impossibly large space station. As her 18th birthday grew close Rebecca began to feel an indescribable urge to meet all of her siblings – the ones crafted by the Fa'tik Empire. She felt the need to understand them and, perhaps in the doing, better understand herself. Little did she suspect this was an implanted biological command by her creators. One that even Zucca could not detect as it was a sleeper command. As soon as Rebecca was gathered with forty of her fellow Fa'tik creations during a communal 18th birthday celebration aboard The Cryok, a mental switch was flipped. Thus began the 2017 Siege of The Cryok
       A large swath of a central city in The Cryok was taken over by the Fa'tik insurgents, led primarily by a heavily indoctrinated Rebecca. It was during this period of three months that she both killed her grandmother and toppled a building on her father, resulting in him having a serious leg injury that left him with a limp the rest of his life. It was only through the Xerfantes family and the Mallories working together that the insurrection was subdued. Rebecca's own conditioning (among other things) was finally broken when her father tricked her into attempting to commit a murder-suicide on the pair of them with an unloaded weapon. This entire sordid sequence left Rebecca with severe mental scars, unable to trust herself and feeling personally accountable for all the death and destruction that took place, despite having been arguably the least culpable person in the whole mess. Eventually the Cryok Cooperative Council voted to have all the Fa'tik insurgents – all now legally adults and nearly all of whom adopted by families aboard the ship – banished from the vessel. Despite her Uncle Zook's being willing to bend the rules in her case, Rebecca declined the offer to live anonymously aboard his ship. She instead bid farewell to her family – what was left of them – and entered a dimensional portal to another realm, taking the mononym Squire as her new alias. A constant reminder of what she was and what she could become again if she wasn't careful.

       ...and she later learned her new home was none other than Spira during the events of Lone Candle.

       Despite doing her damnedest to lay low and run a small ranch out of the province of Pandennsa, the call of adventure came to her once again. Initially this saw her join the Mercenary Guild and (unsuccessfully) attempt to keep away from Aries Passadar, whom she knew from a branching timeline as an older woman who was once romantically involved with her father. However, attempting to play keep-away with Aries only led to her being more curious about her and their being placed on the same team by squad leader Jen Denjeigo. 
       Prior to Aries' ascension to the ranks of a fire-spewing hellbeast, Squire was the go-to one-woman-army of the Guild; a position she gladly gave up at first convenience and is still loathe to pick up unless the situation is dire.
       Squire's presence and association with Aries Passadar eventually led to a split in the timelines that resulted in the creation of the Argonaut Privateers universe, or at least one almost identical to that in which a young Becky first met an older Aries. Thus the gods of space-time laugh at our attempts to make sense of the universe.
        Squire still receives the occasional gift and visit from her father and favorite uncle, though she attempts to keep them away from her for their own safety. They've long forgiven her but she seemingly cannot forgive herself.


- Expert Marksman: Has an inborn understanding of angles andtrajectories, and an uncanny sense of spacial reasoning in addition to thousands of hours of practice with firearms and thrown weapons. She may well be the single best marksman in the universe. Not that she's had any direct competition to that claim. Yet.
- Infiltration Kkills: Bred to be a master infiltration unit. Naturally light and quick on her feet, in possession of good balance, and even fairly skilled at hacking and free-wiring. Not as good as she should be at any of these things due to relative inexperience and personal reticence to learn.
- Enhanced Physiology: Genetically designed specifically to be a one woman infiltration unit. Very few characters (or groups of characters) can take her in a direct combat situation. Physically stronger, faster, and more agile than most fit men her size and capable of tanking shots that would level most livestock. Possesses a marginal healing factor. Give her a shield and she'd be Captain Volencia.
- Multilingual: A benefit of having Doc Mallory and Zucca Xerfantes as father figures, she is fluent in a number of languages. Not a babel fish by any means and fairly rusty in some of them, but rounded nonetheless.
- Still Nice Under It All: Believe it or not, extraordinarily caring and attentive once you get beyond her paranoia. It's been said by her peers she'd be a great mother if she ever gave a thought to it. Very good with animals as well. Rancher and all.


Antisocial: Slow to trust, fairly blunt in conversation, and not a terribly social person to begin with, Squire is best utilized either working on her own or under the direct command of a skilled mission control. Tends to butt heads in groups comprised of more than three people or – for some reason she's at a loss to explain – groups consisting predominantly of men.
- Absent-Minded: Hardly gives anything the focus it deserves. Obvious things tend to slip her attention as she's more focused inwards and operating on autopilot most days. It's rather easy to get the drop on her when she's in this headspace, as Pyrodox has made pointed note of.
- Unfocused Skillset: In a conscious effort to distance herself from what she was created to be, Squire does not lean into her natural affinity for stealth and assassination, something that absolutely flummoxes both her allies and adversaries. She'd rather charge in, guns blazing, than utilize any of her Fa'tik programming, fearing she'd lapse back into a mindless puppet. If folks didn't know better they'd think she were...
- Subconsciously Suicidal: Underwent a complete crisis of faith and identity during her brain hijacking and lives in constant fear it will happen again. Blames herself for her actions and seeks judgment for such. This manifests in bouts of extreme risk-taking behavior both on the job and in her personal life, making her a liability to most group efforts; often throwing herself at situations that she's ill prepared for or going about ones in ways that maximize personal risk. Better her than someone else, she tells herself.











Combat Skills


Bio by Groveclearer 
Image 1 by Kenji_Blake (NSFW)
Image 2 by Pyrodox
Image 3 by HM-Studios
Image 5 by Pyrodox
Image 5 by Pawmageddon 
Grid Average: 2.67